2023.05.1 Release Notes
  • 21 Jun 2023
  • 8 Minutes to read
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2023.05.1 Release Notes

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Article summary

2023.05.0,2023.05.0-hotfix1 Release Notes

Product Features and Enhancements

Reference Number(s)SummaryComponents
SID-81ShieldID Multi-Tenant Supportundefined
 SID-79 UI: ShieldID Changes for Supporting Multiple Tenantsundefined
 SID-78 BE: ShieldID Authorizer Changes for Supporting Multiple Tenantsundefined
 SID-77 BE: ShieldID WAF API Changes for Supporting Multiple Tenantsundefined
SID-12Initial Project Setupundefined
 SID-89 BE: Alternative of properties for Unlicensed userundefined
SID-39Configure for licenseundefined
 SID-40 BE: Informative Static Page for User's don't have License for ShieldIDundefined
 SID-37 Integrate ShieldID in RI with License Configurationundefined
SID-12Initial Project Setupundefined
 SID-70 Introduce interpolation token for providing RI system roles via an OIDC ID token claimundefined
 SID-67 Add WAF Security Configuration for ShieldID in tenantundefined
 SID-66 Add property for ShieldID and make available in bootstrap informationundefined
 SID-33 Create AWS API to Update WAF manageable ruleset.undefined
 SID-32 Create AWS API to fetch WAF manageable ruleset.undefined
RIC-2755Must Change Password Flag with Alt Action EnhancementConnect, IDP
 RIC-2757 Validate password in ActmActionsService when enableAlternateChangePasswordActionAuthentication
 RIC-2756 Fix password reset init to validate password and ensure a recoveryToken existsAuthentication
RIC-2599Deprecation Azure AD and MSOL ModulesRIC
 RIC-2568 (BE) Deprecation of the Azure AD and MSOL modules, RPS Protocol - Part 2RIC
 RIC-2564 Deprecation of the Azure AD and MSOL modules, RPS ProtocolRIC
RIC-2472Auto Proceed to Duo ConfigAuthentication, Configuration
 RIC-2461 UI: Navigate automatically to Duo without extra button click (Legacy UI)Authentication
 RIC-2459 UI: Config option for autoProcess prop added in BE (Cloud)Authentication
 RIC-2456 BE: Config option to automatically proceed to Duo without extra button clickAuthentication
RIC-2374Role Sync SchedulerRoles
 RIC-2686 API and Connect support for setting auto sync cron/timezone on RolesConnect, Roles
RIC-1088Authentication Security EnhancementsAuthentication, LDAP, password policy
 RIC-1685Productize and Reconcile Password PoliciesAuthentication
  RIC-2783Disable Implementation of Check Status for Delegated Password ResetsAuthentication, password policy
RIC-491Studio Improvements BacklogStudio
 RIC-840Studio Backlog ItemsStudio
  RIC-82Spike: Studio Job Schedule Cron Expression Display TimesStudio
RIC-2455Update to Expose Last Password Reset DatePeople
 RIC-2416 UI: Show Time Component for idauto-pwdPrivateTS Gal Attribute in DetailsPeople
RIC-2391Studio Jobs Schedule UpdatesStudio
 RIC-2469 (UI) Studio Job Scheduler EnhancementJobs, RIC, Studio
 RIC-2468 (BE) Studio Job Scheduler EnhancementJobs, RIC, Studio
 RIC-2392 (BE) Upgrade task for Scheduler ChangesStudio
RIC-2375Improvements for Entitlement Approval ProcessRequests
 RIC-2376 Add additional info on the Task Notification Card for Entitlement RequestsRequests
 RIC-2356 Add Details to Task Notifications for Entitlement RequestsRequests
RIC-2374Role Sync SchedulerRoles
 RIC-2450 (BE) Update group info and group membership info via a single update endpointRIC, Roles
 RIC-2443 (UI) Update Role Sync changes based on newest BE changesRIC, Roles
 RIC-2380 (BE) Refactor the GroupManagementRestService_v2 to be in alignment with Google API standardsRIC, Roles
 RIC-2379 (BE) Pare down GroupManagementRestService_v2RIC, Roles
RIC-2368'Proxy As' Functionality EnhancementsProxyAs
 RIC-2408 (UI) Update to 'Proxy As' functionalityProxyAs, Security Vulnerability
 RIC-2393 (BE) Update to 'Proxy As' functionalityProxyAs, Security Vulnerability
 RIC-2246 (UI) Portal Role Viewer Admin cannot see Members of RolesRIC, Roles
RIC-2333Update Web Security Configuration to Improve Security RatingWeb Security
 RIC-2366 Convert and Refactor Web Security ComponentWeb Security
 RIC-2332 UI: Add editable fields for new HTTP Response headers added in the BEWeb Security
 RIC-2331 BE: Create Integration test cases for Missing HTTP Response headers.Web Security
 RIC-2330 BE: Add default values for Missing HTTP Response headers in the DatabaseWeb Security
 RIC-2329 BE: Missing HTTP Response headers, causing a low-security scan rating.Web Security
RIC-2127Add Last Password Reset Date AttributeGAL
 RIC-2128 Add Last Password Reset Date in GAL (read-only) for use in DelegationsGAL
RIC-1961Studio Quality of Life UpdatesStudio
 RIC-2201 Intercept Studio artifact installs, include catalogIdStudio, Studio Catalog
RIC-1727Module Navigation - Add Kebab and Right-Click Reporting
 RIC-2327 Add Kebab and Add Right-Click to Configuration>Security ModuleConfiguration
 RIC-2326 Add Kebab and Add Right-Click to Configuration>System ModuleConfiguration
 RIC-2325 Add Kebab and Add Right-Click to Configuration>SSO Portal ModuleConfiguration
RIC-1088Authentication Security EnhancementsAuthentication, LDAP, password policy
 RIC-1685Productize and Reconcile Password PoliciesAuthentication
  RIC-2567(BE) Modify minimum value of Maximum Agepassword policy
  RIC-2515(UI) Password Policy Manager - Auto Account Lockout Tab password policy
  RIC-2442(BE) Delete the password history and user account state for a user when they are deleted via ConnectConnect, password policy
  RIC-2441(BE) Delete the password history and user account state for a sponsored account when it is deletedpassword policy, Sponsorship
  RIC-2440Updates following RIC-2419 for Locked accounts can unlock their account via password changeAuthentication
  RIC-2412(BE) Write integration tests for new Password Policy changesAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2411(BE) Rewire EmailAuthnRequestHandler to IAuthenticationServiceAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2410(UI) Update Password Validator to account for account status trackingAuthentication
  RIC-2378Remove passwords from Password History if the passwordRememberedCount is smaller than the size of the history listAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2291(BE) Handle automatically unlocking a locked accountAuthentication, password policy
RIC-1727Module Navigation - Add Kebab and Right-Click Reporting
 RIC-1736 Add Kebab and Add Right-Click to Configuration>General ModuleConfiguration
 RIC-1732 Add Kebab and Right-Click to Reports ModuleReporting
 RIC-1731 Add Kebab and Right-Click to Roles Module NavigationRoles
RIC-1088Authentication Security EnhancementsAuthentication, LDAP, password policy
 RIC-1685Productize and Reconcile Password PoliciesAuthentication
  RIC-2215(BE) Create UserAccountStatusService implementationAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2214(BE) Create new PasswordAuthenticator to replace GenericLDAPAuthenticatorAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2110(BE) Rewire AuthenticationExchangeRestService to IAuthenticationServiceAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2097(BE) Verify SelfServiceSupport class functionalityAuthentication
  RIC-2096(BE) Update Password Validator to account for account status trackingAuthentication
  RIC-2093(UI) Update password policy screens with additional fields as neededAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2092(BE) Rewire QrAuthenticationRestService to IAuthenticationServiceAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2090(BE) Update ActmActionsRestService for submitChallengeValidation to call IAuthenticationServiceAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2089(BE) Rewire SmsAuthenticationRestService to IAuthenticationServiceAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2088(BE) Rewire OTPAuthenticationRestService to IAuthenticationServiceAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2087(BE) Rewire PictographAuthenticationRestService to IAuthenticationServiceAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2075(BE) Create new Connect actions for version checking updating users passwords, and disabling accountsAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2074(BE) Handling changed location of LDAP propertiesAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2073(BE) Refactor and fix AbstractSponsorshipDAO and RICloundSponsorshipDAOAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2071(BE) Update ACTMPasswordPoliciesAdminRestService for new DTO/Entity Authentication, password policy
  RIC-2070(BE) Create password history implementationAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2069(BE) Rewire IDP password reset services, and AuthN password reset serviceAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2068(BE) Create AuthenticationService object to be used by AuthN and IDP Reset ServicesAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2067(BE) Refactor implementation of IdentityDataGatewayFacadeAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2066(BE) Refactor GenericLDAPAuthenticatorAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2064(BE) Create AccountFailState object for failure countingAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2063(BE) Create implementation of IAccountStatusService and IAccountPasswordService interfacesAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-2062(BE) Create interfaces for password policy management and authenticationAuthentication, password policy
  RIC-1696(UI) Add LDAP Password Policies to Default Password PolicyRoadMap
 RIC-1631ROPG for OpenID ConnectAuthentication, OIDC
  RIC-1907JAMF Connect will need to allow Passthrough AuthenticationOIDC
  RIC-1700Create a test environment specific to JAMFOIDC
  RIC-1699Add BE support for Option to Enable ROPG to the OIDC ConfigurationOIDC
  RIC-1693Add BE support ROPG FlowOIDC
  RIC-1692(UI) Add Option to Enable ROPG to the OIDC ConfigurationOIDC
IDH-481Connect Target AdapterAdapters, Tenant
 RIC-2370 Service Tokens: Refactor Studio OAuth 2.0 Code into Reusable Mint/AuthenticatorAuthentication, Studio
RIC-2260Remove FoldersFolders
RIC-2323(UI) Update UI to reflect new name of SSO PortalConfiguration, SSO Portal
RIC-2653Alignment of Terminology in Studio and IDHubStudio
RIC-2695Register Preferred Name Attributes to the GALGAL, RICloud OpenLDAP
RIC-2813(BE) Addition of Account Lockouts System DelegationDelegations, password policy, People
SID-47Deployment Documentation for Devopsundefined
SID-52Refresh token from Cognitoundefined
SID-59UI Improvment of ShieldID UIundefined
SID-76Error Handling for Error Response from BEundefined
SID-113Support DEVOPS to Setup ShieldIDundefined

Feature Improvements

Reference Number(s)SummaryComponents
RIC-2375Improvements for Entitlement Approval ProcessRequests
 RIC-2576 Improvement needed for Task Notification Form items validationRequests
RIC-2398Studio: Enhancement of Filters and Access GroupsStudio
 RIC-2413 Audit and Log Access Group ScopesStudio
RIC-2374Role Sync SchedulerRoles
 RIC-2233 (BE) Schedule a Role SyncRIC, Roles
RIC-491Studio Improvements BacklogStudio
 RIC-840Studio Backlog ItemsStudio
  RIC-1007(UI) Studio: consolidate `consumer` and `provider` serializers into `base-application-serializer`Studio
RIC-2374Role Sync SchedulerRoles
 RIC-2016 (UI) Schedule a Role SyncRIC, Roles
RIC-2229Remove FoldersFolders
RIC-2351Optimize ExpiredLogFileClusterJobConnect, Jobs
RIC-2439Add 'noreferrer' to application launchesApplications

Resolved Issues

Reference Number(s)SummaryComponents
SID-12Initial Project Setupundefined
 SID-88 Edit button visible for Rate Limit Rulesundefined
SID-81ShieldID Multi-Tenant Supportundefined
 SID-82 Loading issues of ShieldID page undefined
SID-12Initial Project Setupundefined
 SID-71 "refused to connect" page displayed instead of default Banner on ShieldID pageundefined
RIC-491Studio Improvements BacklogStudio
 RIC-840Studio Backlog ItemsStudio
  RIC-1494(UI) Application "Installation Notes" Does not hold bullet list or numbered list format upon save.Studio
  RIC-1340(UI) Studio Relies on Applications being licensedStudio
RIC-2455Update to Expose Last Password Reset DatePeople
 RIC-2454 "Allow editing" checkbox present while adding/editing Read Only AttributeGAL, People
RIC-2391Studio Jobs Schedule UpdatesStudio
 RIC-67 (UI) Studio Job Schedule Times Do Not Correspond to Job History TimestampsStudio
RIC-2363Team Entitlements visible to ManagersRequests
 RIC-2338 BE: Team Entitlement should be visible to any Managers with Direct ReportsRequests
 RIC-2336 UI: Team Entitlement should be visible to any Managers with Direct ReportsRequests
RIC-1983Bug BoardRIC
 RIC-2693 Issue in saving Regular Expression in Password Syntax tabpassword policy
 RIC-2579 2023.02.0 Missing Pendo in PortalPendo
 RIC-2305 BE: Forgot Password link shows for users who do not belong to a Forgotten Password PolicyAuthentication
RIC-1088Authentication Security EnhancementsAuthentication, LDAP, password policy
 RIC-1974Server-side Exponential Back outsAuthentication
  RIC-2228API is throwing an unhandled exception in case OTP is not the expected lengthAuthentication
RIC-1961Studio Quality of Life UpdatesStudio
 RIC-2531 Application "Installation Notes" unordered list is being saved as Ordered listStudio
RIC-1894Tenant Health Check for SupportConfiguration
 RIC-2696 Intermitent Errors on /api/rest/v1/admin/system/statusReport processing runningJobsREST API
RIC-1088Authentication Security EnhancementsAuthentication, LDAP, password policy
 RIC-1685Productize and Reconcile Password PoliciesAuthentication
  RIC-2734Exponential Backoff Failure in WAC with QR CodeAuth Client
  RIC-2709Sticky Disables via Connect Action SetsAuthentication, Connect
  RIC-2706BE: Exponential Backoff and Authentication failure for SMS in WACAuth Client
  RIC-2703BE: Duo Authentication failure in Windows Auth ClientAuth Client
  RIC-2702User is unable to login after enabling grant support accessConfiguration
RIC-2230Misc Bug FixesRIC
 RIC-1996 Checkbox getting unchecked on editing and saving Role Attribute.Roles
RIC-1983Bug BoardRIC
 RIC-1621 UI: Add user agreement fails if a deleted user agreement 'name' is usedUser Agreement
RIC-1961Studio Quality of Life UpdatesStudio
 RIC-976 (UI) Studio > Email Templates: Cursor remains on front of the token added instead of backStudio
RIC-317RapidIdentity SafeIDWeb Security
 RIC-1515SafeID Cleanup and DeploymentSpyCloud, Web Security
  RIC-1755(UI) Incorrect language for notifications displayed in "Alert" for User.Configuration
RIC-2216(BE) Connect Operator: JS Injection Attack via Action ArgsConnect, Security Vulnerability
RIC-2257SSO Portal >> Settings menu "Settings" text is underscored when "mouse over"SSO Portal
RIC-2294'Proxy As' causing Network Errors on Loading of GO! ViewProxyAs, SSO Portal
RIC-2419Locked accounts can unlock their account via password changeWeb Security
RIC-2457Column names of "Running Jobs" are displayed incorrectlyStudio
RIC-2488Handle deleted users when sending scan summary*** not specified ***
RIC-2508NPE when processing Workflow Approval TaskRequests
RIC-2519Layout issue with QR Codes using Avery Labels formatQRCode
RIC-2530(UI) Connect Operator: JS Injection Attack via Action ArgsConnect, Security Vulnerability
RIC-2542X-RESTPOINT-USER-ROLES not getting extracted and applied to requestsRESTPoints
RIC-2578Excessive requests sent when executing a Global SearchGlobalSearch
RIC-2586UI : Forgot Password link shows for users who do not belong to a Forgotten Password PolicyAuthentication
RIC-2645UI: "No result found" text message is not central alignedpassword policy
RIC-2655"Need Help" link not visible on Login page*** not specified ***
RIC-2705Alt actions broken because sessions API doesn't accept non-LDAP usersAuthentication
RIC-2743Studio jobs type column not updated to new namesStudio
RIC-2747Forgot password link not visible when multiple policies are enabledAuthentication
RIC-2814Studio jobs are getting org.postgresql.util.PSQLExceptionStudio
RIC-2820Update Password Uses Default Policy Regardless of Other Applicable Policiespassword policy
RIC-2822Accounts locked in LDAP cannot be unlocked via RI UIpassword policy, People
SID-65Add button and input HTML elements Not showing correct behavior for Ip Address and Country Code rule.undefined
SID-68Incognito/Browser issue to load ShieldID in RI application undefined
SID-69"Loading" in text displayed instead of spinner.undefined
SID-73UI:Incorrect rule name displayed on ShieldID Rules pageundefined
SID-74BE:Incorrect rule name displayed on ShieldID Rules pageundefined
SID-83Edit button displayed for AWS managed rules in ShieldID Rules pageundefined
SID-86IP Set description getting removed on adding or deleting IP from ruleundefined
SID-90Name change not allowed for Rate Limit rulesundefined
SID-91UI Issues: Ellipsis, Edit button, popups, fonts as compare to application standardsundefined
SID-94Issues in validation messages and message popupundefined
SID-95Add Sorting functionality for list in ShieldID applicationundefined
SID-98Results text not displayed on rules tab as well as edit pop up windowundefined
SID-102Delete button still visible even when checkmarks are removedundefined
SID-103Issue in kebab menu dropdownundefined
SID-112Alphabet Case issue for finding 'limit' keyword inside rulename.undefined
SID-115HTML page displayed instead of Overview and Rules tab in ShieldIDundefined
SID-117Support Access, idaas.startup.devSysAdminAccessEnabled, and vanity domain IDP override brokenundefined

Updated on Wed Jun 07 2023 12:49:34 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

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