2024.01.0 Release Notes
  • 21 Dec 2023
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2024.01.0 Release Notes

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Article summary

2024.01.0 Release Notes

Product Features and Enhancements

Reference Number(s)SummaryComponents
SI-1562024.01.0 Release TicketsShieldID
 SI-33 Add test cases for ShieldID servlet on RI sideShieldID
 SI-32 Add test cases for Lambda AuthorizerShieldID
RIC-1220GO! View Enhancements v2SSO Portal
 RIC-907GO! View: User Created Custom AppsSSO Portal
  RIC-3210Show Confirmation Sidebar on Disabling Custom App Permission Toggle and Add TooltipConfiguration, SSO Portal
  RIC-3206BE: Remove All Custom Applications from Persona When Admin Toggle Off Custom App FlagSSO Portal
  RIC-3198Add URL validation in custom app creation modalSSO Portal
  RIC-3180(UI) Implement Save functionality in 'Create App' Modal - 2Applications, SSO Portal
  RIC-3168UI: Show custom applications in App Library list-viewSSO Portal
  RIC-3158BE: Add Test Cases for the SSO Portal Custom Applications FunctionalitySSO Portal, Testing
  RIC-3146Addition of Audit Event for Custom App CreationAudit Log, Insights, SSO Portal
  RIC-3143BE: Get All Custom Applications for Go ViewSSO Portal
  RIC-3142BE: Handle Redirection of the Custom ApplicationSSO Portal
  RIC-3141BE: Create DELETE API to Delete a Custom Application based on Application Id and Persona IdSSO Portal
  RIC-3140BE: Create POST API to Create a Custom Application based on Persona IdSSO Portal
  RIC-3139BE: Create PUT API to Update Custom Application based on Application Id and Persona IdSSO Portal
  RIC-3138BE: Create GET API to Fetch Custom Application based on Application Id and Persona IdSSO Portal
  RIC-3137BE: Create DB Schema for the Custom ApplicationSSO Portal
  RIC-3127UI: Update Dashboard UI to show custom appsApplications, SSO Portal
  RIC-3121(UI) Implement Save functionality in 'Create App' ModalApplications, SSO Portal
  RIC-3120(UI) Add 'Delete' functionality for Custom AppsRoadMap, SSO Portal
  RIC-3119(UI) Add 'Edit' functionality for Custom AppsRoadMap, SSO Portal
  RIC-3117(UI) Addition of 'Create App' Modal in GO! ViewApplications, SSO Portal
  RIC-3116(UI) Addition of Right Click Menu on Custom AppsRoadMap, SSO Portal
  RIC-3110BE: Admin Persona Configuration option to allow users to create custom appsSSO Portal
  RIC-910Icon in App Library for Adding Custom AppsSSO Portal
  RIC-909UI: Admin Persona Configuration option to allow users to create custom appsSSO Portal
RIC-3090Studio Core Capabilities Updates and Enhancements Q4 2023Studio
 RIC-3093 (BE) Add Support for the %timestamp% Token in the Delimited Text File(s) Target Path Studio
 RIC-3092 (BE) REST Target responses should include the custom HTTP header: X-Total-CountStudio
 RIC-3091 (BE) REST Target with OAuth 2 should only return an access token if at least once valid scope has been receivedStudio
RIC-1220GO! View Enhancements v2SSO Portal
 RIC-3035Profile Details Edit Functionality - GO! ViewSSO Portal
  RIC-3002Add support for edit in Profile Details Tab in Profile ModalSSO Portal
  RIC-3001Add support for edit person tile component in GO! ViewSSO Portal
RIC-2231Cobalt.io PT VulnerabilitiesWeb Security
 RIC-3126 Update API version for forgot password endpointIDP
 RIC-2942 UI: Update the Translation String by Passing Parameters Based on the Forgot Username Method SelectedAuthentication
RIC-1220GO! View Enhancements v2SSO Portal
 RIC-1562UI Enhancements for the User Experience SSO Portal
  RIC-1658Clone Persona Option (UI)SSO Portal
AUTHNCLI-703Expired Password Reset SupportRIC
 RIC-3039 BE: Enhancement of Notifications in for Password Expiration for AuthClientAuth Client, password policy, RIC
RIC-3063Enhance Profile Button behavior as per My delegation changesSSO Portal
RIC-3177Studio Custom Field CreationStudio
RIC-3199Migrating PubSub Lambda Functions from Go1.x Runtime to Custom Runtime*** not specified ***
RIC-3200Updating ShieldID Lambda Functions for Custom Runtime*** not specified ***
RIC-3226Change CI/CD ZIP file path for ShieldId code UI and BE*** not specified ***
RIC-3263Revert RIC-3016 changesEmail
SI-15 ECR usage in Kotlin version of Authorizer ShieldID
SI-22Verify the sequence of AWS WAF rule on rules tabShieldID
SI-43Add License to License ServerShieldID

Feature Improvements

Reference Number(s)SummaryComponents
RIC-1220GO! View Enhancements v2SSO Portal
 RIC-907GO! View: User Created Custom AppsSSO Portal
  RIC-3218BE: Throw error when Creating and Updating Custom Apps with Favorite Flag State ChangeSSO Portal
  RIC-3213User is able to Favorite/Unfavorite Custom apps when their permissions are modifiedSSO Portal
RIC-1220GO! View Enhancements v2SSO Portal
 RIC-3035Profile Details Edit Functionality - GO! ViewSSO Portal
  RIC-3145Blank screen displayed for no attributes in Profile edit screen of GO ViewSSO Portal
  RIC-3133Handle Ember data refresh in different scenarios.SSO Portal
RIC-1983Bug BoardRIC
 RIC-3003 Update of RegEx for Task Card FieldsRequests
RIC-1220GO! View Enhancements v2SSO Portal
 RIC-1562UI Enhancements for the User Experience SSO Portal
  RIC-2371BE - In User Agreement the Admin is not getting the Prompt to reset for users who have already clicked agreeUser Agreement
  RIC-1592(UI) In User Agreement the Admin is not getting the Prompt to reset for users who have already clicked agreeUser Agreement

Resolved Issues

Reference Number(s)SummaryComponents
SI-153Bugs BoardShieldID
 SI-170 Tooltip getting opened below the description resulting in Vertical scroll barShieldID
 SI-158 Able to re-order kebab menu in rules tabShieldID
 SI-157 Scrolling on the right displays blank space on rules tab after reordering of columnsShieldID
 SI-143 Getting error on opening ShieldID pageShieldID
 SI-142 Columns in rule tab shifts on clicking and movingShieldID
RIC-1220GO! View Enhancements v2SSO Portal
 RIC-907GO! View: User Created Custom AppsSSO Portal
  RIC-3272Even if the folder creation permission is removed, the folder option is still visible when the user edits a custom applicationSSO Portal
  RIC-3268Page keeps on loading on deleting a custom app when admin toggles off create custom app buttonSSO Portal
  RIC-3264Go View: Admin permissions remain persistent even on enabling "ORGANIZE HOME SCREEN" user customization.SSO Portal
  RIC-3239SSO : System allows the user to duplicate custom apps on dashboardSSO Portal
  RIC-3231Allow users to create custom apps persona option is showing turned off when cloning with an existing personaConfiguration, SSO Portal
  RIC-3209SSO : Error "Backend responded with an error" is showing on dashboard for custom appsSSO Portal
  RIC-3147SSO : When adding apps from the app library, duplicate apps appear on the dashboard. SSO Portal
RIC-1220GO! View Enhancements v2SSO Portal
 RIC-2805GO! View: Admin Configuration Enhancements v2SSO Portal
  RIC-3096UI: Missing newly added Persona when routing back to Persona list-view pageSSO Portal
RIC-2231Cobalt.io PT VulnerabilitiesWeb Security
 RIC-2210 BE: 2022 RIC External Pen - Cobalt.io #PT12880_4 - Username EnumerationSecurity Vulnerability
RIC-1983Bug BoardRIC
 RIC-3289 The Grade Level attribute is not searchable for new tenants in the GALGAL
 RIC-3212 Grade Level should be searchable in the GALGAL
 RIC-3188 UI: Persona User Customization Permissions helper text has a typographical errorConfiguration
 RIC-3111 UAT : Insight module is not accessible in safari and chrome's private windowInsights
 RIC-3099 When using the approver token expression in a new workflow, the workflow cannot be savedRequests
 RIC-3059  Go View: Issues related to change password when user generates random password Authentication, SSO Portal
 RIC-3047 OIDC ROPG failing after RIC updateFederation, OIDC
 RIC-3025 BE: Getting unwanted response in change password APISSO Portal
 RIC-3016 UI: Invalid Format allowed for Email AddressesEmail
 RIC-2986 Enabled checkbox is displayed as blank for User Agreement in Forgot Password PolicyUser Agreement
 RIC-2972 UI: Job timeout cannot be set to anything other than 60Connect
 RIC-2970 BE: Customer reports they still receive tasks from the Requests module after it is no longer licensed.Requests
 RIC-2885 Portal intermittently displays error trying to load user profilePortal
 RIC-2255 Team Entitlement and other entitlement->Advance search : Allow case insensitive search within entitlementRequests
RIC-1220GO! View Enhancements v2SSO Portal
 RIC-1562UI Enhancements for the User Experience SSO Portal
  RIC-3122UI: QR code page gives error in GO! View when it is not allowed only under first 'my' delegationSSO Portal
RIC-3095UI: Persona & Theme Edit pages are missing Bottom navigation panelSSO Portal

Updated on Tue Dec 12 2023 09:58:22 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

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