Accessing RapidIdentity APIs
  • 23 May 2022
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Accessing RapidIdentity APIs

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Article summary

Swagger API Documentation

RapidIdentity Connect and other programs will occasionally need to access direct API points for RapidIdentity. Accessing these is fairly simple.

  1. Open a browser tab and go to https:///api/rest/api-docs.
    Note: This URL can be bookmarked for convenience.
    RapidIdentity API.jpg

  2. You can search for the specific API you are looking for in the Filter by tag field. Once you find it, click the title to expand and see the different commands that can be used with that API RESTpoint.
    Api Search and Expand.jpg

  3. Use these commands on the API RESTpoints to finalize a Connect Action Set in RapidIdentity or provide one to a third party vendor as needed.

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