Change the Application Prefix
  • 23 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Change the Application Prefix

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Article summary

How to change the Application Prefix in Studio

The Application Prefix is a unique identifier assigned to each of the rostering applications in Studio and is used to identify the application in the Data Explorer and Jobs displays.

Although the Application Prefix is assigned to the application when it is installed in Studio, an Administrator can change it at anytime using the Advanced settings for that application.

Change an Application Prefix in Studio:

  1. Open the desired application in the Applications display area in Studio and select the Advanced tab


  2. Click the Edit button to the right of the current Application Prefix


  3. Enter the desired Prefix by typing over the current Prefix in the space provided


  4. Click Save when done



    The more records in the Studio Database, the longer the change will take to populate. When the process is complete, the updated Prefix will be visible in the Record Definitions and Record Mappings Section.

When the change is complete you can observe the new Prefix in several places including the Data Explorer


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