Connect RESTPoints
  • 08 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Connect RESTPoints

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Article summary

RESTPoints is a RapidIdentity Connect feature that allows you to create a RESTful API based on Action Sets. The RESTPoint acts as an interface between the RapidIdentity Connect Action Set and the service provider. The RapidIdentity Connect Action Set serves as a programming function and returns a response value, and the RESTPoint will connect the Action Set to the service provider.

All RESTPoints are created by clicking Add RESTPoint +.

The configuration screen is presented next.    The configurable fields available to edit are based on the Method and Path selected.




Click to Enable


Optional Description of the RESTPoint.

HTTP Method

Required Supported Methods: GET, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, and POST


Required The path must start with / and may contain one or more path parameter placeholders in the form of {name}


The MIME media type that the RESTPoint expects as the content of the REST Request.   Only enabled for PUT, PATCH, and POST methods.


The MIME media type that the RESTPoint will return in the REST Response.   Available types are application/json, application/octet-stream, application/xml, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, text/csv, text/plain, text/xml, and *./*


Same As Project - Uses the same authentication method as is configured in the project’s Details menu.

OAuth 1.0A - REST request is signed as per the OAuth Core 1.0a specificiation using an empty string for the value of both oauth_token and oauth_token_secret and the HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA256 signing method.

HTTP Basic (using OAuth Keys) - HTTP Basic Authentication using the OAuth consumer key as the username, and consumer secret as the password.

HTTP Basic (Using Username/Password) - Any username/password that can be used to authenticate to RapidIdentity will be able to call the RESTPoint.

Anonymous - Does not require any authentication

Action Set

After you select an Action Set here, if that Action Set has any input properties, you will also get a set of fields to specifiy how to map the REST request to those input properties.

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