- 03 Jun 2022
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Core Actions
- Updated on 03 Jun 2022
- 1 Minute to read
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Define a connection to a Portal server and optionally login for a token.
Property | Value | Description |
url* | text, expression, variable | The url of the Portal server. |
username | text, expression, variable | The username for authentication to the Portal server. |
password | password, string, expression, variable | The password for authentication to the Portal server. |
login | boolean, expression, variable | Determines whether or not to login for an authentication token. If false, each Portal action will perform a full authentication. Set this to true if you are invoking 2 or more actions within this session. |
remoteDebug | choice ('OFF', 'DEBUG', 'DEBUG_ALL'), text, expression, variable | Remote Portal request debug logging options. DEBUG: standard debug logging. DEBUG_ALL: extended debug logging (not recommended). |
options | expression, variable | A record or JavaScript object with a field for each additional option. Currently defined fields are connectTimeout and socketTime which require a numeric value from 1 to 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF) that represents the number of milliseconds for the timeout, and 0 representing no timeout. |
returnVariable | expression, variable | The name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
connection = definePortalConnection("http://server.company.com",
"testuser1", <Password>, true)
connection = definePortalConnection("http://server.company.com",
"testuser1", <Password>, true, \'DEBUG\')
Creates/Retrieves the IdautoID value for a particular Role in LDAP
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the Portal connection definition |
roleDN* | text, expression, variable | the DN of the Group in question |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
idautoID = getPortalIdautoIDForGroup(connection,
"CN=My Group,OU=groups,DC=example,DC=com")
Creates/Retrieves the IdautoID value for a particular User in LDAP
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the Portal connection definition |
userDN* | text, expression, variable | the DN of the User in question |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
idautoID = getPortalIdautoIDForUser(connection,
"CN=Homer Simpson,OU=people,DC=example,DC=com")