Default Image Pool and Create a Custom Image Pool
  • 07 Mar 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Default Image Pool and Create a Custom Image Pool

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Article summary

These 36 images are the default image pool for pictograph passwords.

Default image pool

Default image pool

You have the ability to select alternate images from the library in RapidIdentity that contains approximately 1,600 icons, or you can upload your own.

If you are increasing the complexity of the policy to use as a Forgot Password policy, or as a deviceless MFA backup policy for staff, multiply the Number of Images to Choose by the Number of Images to Challenge to arrive at the total number of required images. For example, if you want staff to choose 5 images out of a pool of 9, multiply 9 × 5 = 45. You will need to select 45 images in your Custom Pool.

Upload custom images:

The Applications module contains the editor for adding new images, usually for Portal/Dashboard application logos, but these images can be used for Pictograph passwords.

Navigate to Applications > Catalog and choose Create New Application at the top right. In the Icon attribute near the top, click the Pencil to open the image editor.

Choose Upload Icon at the top or Upload at the bottom. Select simple, clean images in a jpg or png file format that are 128 KB in size or smaller.

The images that you upload will always be added to the Custom Category. The other categories cannot be modified.

Once you’ve uploaded your custom images, close the image editor and exit the Application module.

Note: You can upload as many images as you’d like, and images from the other categories can be used in your Pictograph image pool.

Enable Custom Image Pool

Navigate to Configuration > Authentication, and select the Pictograph policy. Select the Authentication Methods tab on the right at the top, and highlight the Pictograph Authentication Method. This will open Pictograph settings.

Uncheck “Use the Default Image Pool”, which will enable the setting Custom Image Pool search. Click the magnifying glass on the far right to open the Pictograph Image Manager.

Use the vertical scrollbar to view all of the images available. There are more than 1,500 default images in the application icon editor, plus logos that you may have added for Applications, and any custom images that you just uploaded.

Please note: It’s not necessary to upload custom images, per the previous instructions. You can select existing images in the editor.

The images are grouped by Category (although this isn’t reflected on the screen anywhere). If you uploaded custom images, they should be near the top of the list.

Images on the left are available, and images on the right are selected as a custom pictograph image. Click the arrow at the bottom right corner of an image on the left to select it. Click the arrow on an image on the right to deselect it.

The counter at the bottom left shows you how many images are selected. Select a minimum of 36, or use the calculation Number of Images to Choose x Number of Images to Challenge to determine the minimum number of images you’ll need.

Select Default Images will clear the custom selections so you can revert these changes and go back to the default pool. If you click Select Default Images, then close the window by clicking the X at the top right, then check the box Use the Default Image Pool.

Select All will move all of the images into the custom pool. (You don’t want to do this. It’s too many images to choose from.)

Clear All will clear the current selection.

Select will commit changes to the custom pool of images.

When you’re done selecting custom images, click Select button to save the changes

NOTE: You can add more images at any time, but think carefully before removing an image, as this will affect those users who may have selected it as part of their Pictograph authentication.

This is not a reusable pool of images for another Pictograph policy. Repeat these instructions to create a custom pool for subsequent policies.

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