Disabling TLS v1.1 on June 1, 2022
  • 24 Mar 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Disabling TLS v1.1 on June 1, 2022

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Article summary

Identity Automation will be disabling support for TLS v1.1 on June 1, 2022, across our public-facing applications including RapidIdentity Cloud, RapidIdentity Studio, and RapidIdentity AWS Hosted.
We are providing you advanced notice so that our customers and partners can prepare accordingly. If you are using unsupported clients to connect to RapidIdentity after the deprecation of TLS v1.1, you will begin receiving connection error messages.

Why are we disabling TLS v1.1?

We are disabling TLS v1.1 to ensure that Identity Automation Software is providing our customers and partners with safe, secure protocols for our connections. This change is enforced throughout the industry to maintain secure connections that encrypt and protect your sensitive data from malicious breaches. All major browsers began requiring a minimum of TLS v1.2 starting in early 2020, and many networking services have already required TLS v1.2 and higher.

Am I affected?

Customers using old browsers or mobile devices will be affected. Additionally, outdated web services that connect to the RapidIdentity API (to transfer data, for example) could be affected.

Supported Browsers

You can use the following website to easily determine if your browser supports a version of TLS > v1.1: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/viewMyClient.html

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