2022.8.25 Release Notes
  • 15 Sep 2022
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2022.8.25 Release Notes

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Article summary

2022.8.25 Release Notes

Product Features and Enhancements

Reference Number(s)SummaryComponents
RIC-317RapidIdentity SafeIDWeb Security
 RIC-1515SafeID Cleanup and DeploymentSpyCloud, Web Security
  RIC-1861Add UI support for searching roles when LDAP results setting is less than 1kWeb Security
  RIC-1860Add BE support to allow search when LDAP results setting is less than 1kWeb Security
  RIC-1748SafeId Configuration UpdatesWeb Security
  RIC-1708Capture RequestID in the audit data for SafeIDSpyCloud
  RIC-1667Add "Previous Scan Results" to the SafeID Dashboard (UI)Web Security

Feature Improvements

Reference Number(s)SummaryComponents
RIC-1733Localization ImprovementsLocalization

Resolved Issues

Reference Number(s)SummaryComponents
RIC-1220SSO Portal Enhancements v2SSO Portal
 RIC-1562SSO Portal: Various Updates to the UI to enhance the User Experience for V2SSO Portal
  RIC-1630Recents Navigation via Tab IssueSSO Portal
RIC-1500Blank Attributes are getting saved in Role module.RIC
RIC-1548Text Alignment UI Issue in General setting Option.Configuration
RIC-1737Federation Partners and Authentication Polices bugAuthentication, Federation
RIC-1778Incorrectly cache credentials globally for FileSharesFiles
RIC-1783Can't create a Sponsored Account with Birthdate attributeGAL, Sponsorship
RIC-1786Can't use Kinesis with Instance ProfileAudit Log
RIC-1788Gilbert PS - Some Roles not Displayed with Wildcard SearchWeb Security
RIC-1791BE Support for displaying cronspec in the SafeID ConfigurationRoadMap
RIC-1802Incorrect Accounts Scanned displayed in Weekly summary scan reportsRIC
RIC-1871Truncating Job logs causes Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: out of shared memory Jobs

Updated on Tue Sep 06 2022 12:36:17 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

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