- 03 Jun 2022
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Edmodo Adapter Actions
- Updated on 03 Jun 2022
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Edmodo Adapter Actions
Define an OAuth2 connection to Edmodo.
Property | Value | Description |
credentialName* | text, expression, variable | OAuth2 credential for authentication to Edmodo |
options | expression, variable | A record or JavaScript object with a field for each additional option. Currently defined fields are connectTimeout and socketTime which require a numeric value from 1 to 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF) that represents the number of milliseconds for the timeout, and 0 representing no timeout. |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
conn = defineEdmodoOAuthConnection(Global.edmodoOAuthCredentialName)
Delete an Edmodo Record.
Property | Value | Description |
edmodoConnection* | expression, variable | the Edmodo Agent connection |
type* | choice (users, groups, group_memberships, districts, schools), text, expression, variable | the type of Edmodo Record |
id* | text, expression, variable | id of the Edmodo Record to delete |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
deleted = deleteEdmodoRecord(conn, "users", record.id)
Delete an array of Edmodo Records.
Property | Value | Description |
edmodoConnection* | expression, variable | the Edmodo Agent connection |
type* | choice (users, groups, group_memberships, districts, schools), text, expression, variable | the type of Edmodo Record |
ids* | text, expression, variable | Array of Edmodo Record ids |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
deleted = deleteEdmodoRecords(conn, "users",
[record[0].id, record[1].id])
Get an Edmodo Record.
Property | Value | Description |
edmodoConnection* | expression, variable | the Edmodo Agent connection |
type* | choice (users, groups, group_memberships, districts, schools), text, expression, variable | the type of Edmodo Record |
id* | text, expression, variable | the Edmodo Record id |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
record = getEdmodoRecord(conn, "users", record.id)
Get Edmodo Records.
Property | Value | Description |
edmodoConnection* | expression, variable | the Edmodo Agent connection |
type* | choice (users, groups, group_memberships, districts, schools), text, expression, variable | the type of Edmodo Record |
filter | expression, variable | filter record or object that determines which Edmodo records to get |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
records = getEdmodoRecords(conn, "users")
Get an Edmodo Record.
Property | Value | Description |
edmodoConnection* | expression, variable | the Edmodo Agent connection |
type* | choice (users, groups, group_memberships, districts, schools), text, expression, variable | the type of Edmodo Record |
ids* | text, expression, variable | Array of Edmodo Record ids |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
records = getEdmodoRecords(conn, "users", [record[0].id,
Open Edmodo Record Iterator.
Property | Value | Description |
edmodoConnection* | expression, variable | the Edmodo Agent connection |
type* | choice (users, groups, group_memberships, districts, schools), text, expression, variable | the type of Edmodo Record |
filter | expression, variable | filter record or object that determines which Edmodo records to get |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
it = openEdmodoRecordIterator(conn, "student")
forEach(record, it) {
# process record
Create or update an Edmodo Record.
Property | Value | Description |
edmodoConnection* | expression, variable | the Edmodo Agent connection |
type* | choice (users, groups, group_memberships, districts, schools), text, expression, variable | the type of Edmodo Record |
record* | expression, variable | the Edmodo Record to save |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
record = createRecordFromObject({
type: "student",
username: "student27",
first_name: "student",
last_name: "Twentyseven",
email: "student27@example.com",
password: "password@123",
school_id: 1234567,
verified_institution_member: true
createdRecord = saveEdmodoRecord(conn, "users", record)
Create or update an array of Edmodo Records.
Property | Value | Description |
edmodoConnection* | expression, variable | the Edmodo Agent connection |
type* | choice (users, groups, group_memberships, districts, schools), text, expression, variable | the type of Edmodo Record |
records* | expression, variable | Array of the Edmodo Records to save |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
savedRecords = saveEdmodoRecords(conn, "users", [record[0].id,
Supported User Record Fields
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
id | integer | unique record identifier | Yes | No | Required |
type | string | the User type. Valid options: - student - parent - teacher | Yes | Required | No |
password | string | the User's password | No | Required | Optional |
username | string | username - must be universally unique within Edmodo | Yes | Required | No |
first_name | string | the User's first name | Yes | Required | No |
last_name | string | the User's last name | Yes | Required | No |
user_title | string | the User's title - Valid options: - Mr - Mrs - Ms - Dr | Yes | Optional | No |
locale | string | the User's locale | Yes | Optional | No |
timezone | string | the User's timezone | Yes | Optional | No |
string | the User's email address - required for teachers and parents - must be universally unique within Edmodo | Yes | Optional | No | |
parent_code | string | if the User is a parent, this must be a valid parent code returned from a student | No | Optional | No |
parent_relationship | string | if the User is a parent - Valid options: - Mom - Dad - description of other parent-student relationship | Yes | Optional | No |
school_id | integer | id of the associated school - can be set to null to disassociate from the school/district | Yes | Required | Yes |
district_id | integer | id of a the district | Yes | No | No |
verified_institution_member | boolean | true if verified as belonging to the institution represented by school_id | Yes | Optional | Yes |
admin_rights | record | administrative rights - Sub-fields: - institution - either schools/school_id or districts/district_id - can_grant_rights - boolean - can_allocate_funds - boolean | Yes | Optional | Yes |
Supported User Filter Fields
Field | Type | Description |
school_id | integer | filter Users by the associated school |
district_id | integer | filter Users by the associated district |
query | string | filter Users to those where the query matches their name |
type | string | filter Users by user type - valid options: - all (default) - student - teacher - school_admin - district_admin |
status | string | filter by the status of the User - valid options: - all (default) - verified - unverified |
sort | string | sort Users by the given property - valid options: - name |
sort_direction | string | if sort is provided, sets the direction of the sort - valid options: - ascending (default) - descending |
Supported Group Record Fields
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
id | integer | unique record identifier | Yes | No | Required |
title | string | title of Group | Yes | Required | Yes |
description | string | description of Group | Yes | Optional | Yes |
start_level | string | starting grade of the Group - see Supported Levels | Yes | Required | Yes |
end_level | string | ending grade of the Group - see Supported Levels defaults to same value as start_level | Yes | Optional | Yes |
expected_group_size | string | the expected size of the Group - see Supported Expected Group Sizes | Yes | Optional | Yes |
subject | string | the subject of the Group - see Supported Subjects | Yes | Required | Yes |
subject_area | string | the subject area of the Group - see Supported Subject Areas (set automatically based on subject) | Yes | No | No |
moderate_posts_and_replies | boolean | whether all posts and replies to this Group are moderated (default: false) | Yes | Optional | Yes |
default_membership_type | string | the initial membership type for new group memberships - valid options: - read_only_member - read_write_member (default) | Yes | Optional | Yes |
parent_group_id | integer | id of the parent group | Yes | Optional | No |
creator_id | integer | id of user that created the group may be overridden on creation by school/district admin to the id of a verified teachers in their school/district | Yes | Optional | No |
archived | boolean | true if the Group is archived | Yes | No | No |
num_members | boolean | the current number of members in the Group | Yes | No | No |
owner_id | boolean | the user id(s) of the group owner(s) | Yes | No | No |
Supported Group Filter Fields
Field | Type | Description |
query | string | filter Groups by query match on title & description (NOT YET AVAILABLE as of 01JUL2014) |
status | string | filter Groups by status - valid options: - active (default) - archived |
directory | string | filter Groups by directory - valid options: - unlisted (default) - public - schools/school_id - district/district_id |
subject_area | string | filter Groups by subject area - see Supported Subject Areas |
min_level | string | filter Groups by lower bound (inclusive) for a Group's end level - see Supported Levels |
max_level | string | filter Groups by upper bound (inclusive) for a Group's start level - see Supported Levels |
parent_group_id | integer | filter Groups by parent Group |
user_id | integer | filter Groups by those the given User belongs to |
Supported Group Membership Record Fields
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
id | integer | unique record identifier | Yes | No | Required |
group_id | integer | id of the Group | Yes | Required | No |
user_id | integer | id of the User | Yes | Required | No |
type | string | membership type of the user - valid options: - read_only_member - read_write_member - co_teacher - owner | Yes | Required | Yes |
send_notifications | boolean | whether to send notifications about Group activity to User (default: true) | Yes | Optional | Yes |
show_posts_in_stream | boolean | whether to send notifications about Group posts in User's messages stream (default: true) | Yes | Optional | Yes |
color | string | the color code assigned to this group | Yes | Optional | Yes |
Supported Group Membership Filter Fields
Field | Type | Description |
group_id | integer | filter memberships by those the for the given Group |
user_id | integer | filter Groups by those for the given User |
Supported School Record Fields
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
id | integer | unique record identifier | Yes | No | Required |
name | string | name of the School | Yes | Required | Yes |
abbreviated_name | string | abbreviated name of the School | Yes | Optional | Yes |
motto | string | the School motto | Yes | Optional | Yes |
lead_id | integer | user id of the school lead | Yes | Optional | Yes |
lead_title | string | title of the school lead (e.g. “principal”, “headmaster”) | Yes | Optional | Yes |
start_level | string | starting grade of the School - see Supported Levels | Yes | Required | Yes |
end_level | string | ending grade of the School - see Supported Levels defaults to same value as start_level | Yes | Optional | Yes |
district_id | integer | id of the School's district | Yes | Optional | Yes |
address | string | the School street address | Yes | Required | Yes |
zip_code | string | the School postal code | Yes | Required | Yes |
state | string | the School two-letter state code | Yes | Required | Yes |
website | string | URL of the School website | Yes | Optional | Yes |
phone_number | string | phone number for the School | Yes | Optional | Yes |
code_contact | string | code contact of the School | Yes | Optional | Yes |
code_phone | string | code phone number of the School | Yes | Optional | Yes |
code_email | string | code email of the School | Yes | Optional | Yes |
avatars | record | URL's of the School avatars - Sub-fields: - small - large (set to null to revert to defaults) | Yes | Optional | Yes |
Supported School Filter Fields
Field | Type | Description |
query | string | filter Schools by query match on school name |
user_id | integer | filter Schools to those the User is a member/admin of |
district_id | integer | filter Schools by the associated district |
min_level | string | filter Schools by lower bound (inclusive) for a Group's end level - see Supported Levels |
max_level | string | filter Schools by upper bound (inclusive) for a Group's start level - see Supported Levels |
sort | string | sort schools by the given property - valid options: - name |
sort_direction | string | if sort is provided, sets the direction of the sort - valid options: - ascending (default) - descending |
Supported District Record Fields
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
id | integer | unique record identifier | Yes | No | Required |
name | string | name of the District | Yes | Required | Yes |
abbreviated_name | string | abbreviated name of the District | Yes | Optional | Yes |
motto | string | the District motto | Yes | Optional | Yes |
lead_id | integer | user id of the District lead | Yes | Optional | Yes |
lead_title | string | title of the District lead (e.g. “superintendent”, “headmaster”) | Yes | Optional | Yes |
address | string | the District street address | Yes | Required | Yes |
zip_code | string | the District postal code | Yes | Required | Yes |
state | string | the District two-letter state code | Yes | Required | Yes |
website | string | URL of the District website | Yes | Optional | Yes |
phone_number | string | phone number for the District | Yes | Optional | Yes |
avatars | record | URL's of the District avatars - Sub-fields: - small - large (set to null to revert to defaults) | Yes | Optional | Yes |
Supported District Filter Fields
Field | Type | Description |
query | string | filter Schools by query match on school name |
user_id | integer | filter Schools to those the User is a member/admin of |
sort | string | sort schools by the given property - valid options: - name |
sort_direction | string | if sort is provided, sets the direction of the sort - valid options: - ascending (default) - descending |
Supported Subject Areas
- science
- language_arts
- mathematics
- social_studies
- health_pe
- creative_arts
- world_languages
- professional_development
- special_education
- vocational_studies
- computer_technology
- other
Supported Subjects
- all
- english
- reading
- esl
- journalism
- speech
- basic_math
- algebra
- geometry
- trigonometry
- calculus
- statistics
- computer_science
- basic_science
- biology
- chemistry
- physics
- psychology
- environmental_science
- history
- world_history
- us_history
- government
- economics
- european_history
- geography
- health_education
- physical_education
- art
- music
- dance
- drama
- spanish
- french
- latin
- german
- japanese
- chinese_mandarin
- italian
- drivers_education
- edmodo_training
Supported Levels
- pre_kindergarten
- kindergarten
- first
- second
- third
- fourth
- fifth
- sixth
- seventh
- eighth
- ninth
- tenth
- eleventh
- twelfth
- higher_education
Supported Expected Group Sizes
- not_sure
- one_to_five
- six_to_ten
- eleven_to_fifteen
- sixteen_to_twenty
- twenty_one_to_twenty_five
- twenty_six_or_more