- 03 Jun 2022
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Keepntrack Adapter Actions
- Updated on 03 Jun 2022
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KeepnTrack Adapter Actions
These actions can interact with a KeepnTrack Adapter.
Define a connection to a KeepnTrack server.
Property | Value | Description |
url* | text, expression, variable | the url of the KeepnTrack REST service |
db* | text, expression, variable | the name of the KeepnTrack database |
username | text, expression, variable | username for authentication to the KeepnTrack REST service |
password | password, string, expression, variable | password for authentication to the KeepnTrack REST service |
options | expression, variable | A record or JavaScript object with a field for each additional option. Currently defined fields are connectTimeout and socketTime which require a numeric value from 1 to 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF) that represents the number of milliseconds for the timeout, and 0 representing no timeout. |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
conn = defineKeepnTrackConnection("https://customername.keepntrack.com/
knt.cgi", "customernamedb", "adminuser@customername.net", <Password>)
Delete a KeepnTrack Facility Record by Id.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the KeepnTrack connection definition |
id* | text, expression, variable | the id of the KeepnTrack Facility to delete |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
deletedFacility = deleteKeepnTrackFacility(conn, facilityId)
Delete a KeepnTrack Person Record by Id.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the KeepnTrack connection definition |
id* | text, expression, variable | the id of the KeepnTrack Person to delete |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
deletedPerson = deleteKeepnTrackPerson(conn, specificUserID)
Get KeepnTrack Activity Records.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the KeepnTrack connection definition |
filter | text, expression, variable | Example Record or SQL WHERE clause used to filter the Records |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
allActivities = getKeepnTrackActivities(conn)
Get a KeepnTrack Activity Record by Id.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the KeepnTrack connection definition |
id* | text, expression, variable | the id of the KeepnTrack Activity to get |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
singleActivity = getKeepnTrackActivity(conn, activityId)
Get KeepnTrack Facility Records.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the KeepnTrack connection definition |
filter | text, expression, variable | Example Record or SQL WHERE clause used to filter the Records |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
allFacilities = getKeepnTrackFacilities(conn)
Get a KeepnTrack Facility Record by Id.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the KeepnTrack connection definition |
id* | text, expression, variable | the id of the KeepnTrack Facility to get |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
singleFacility = getKeepnTrackFacility(conn, facilityId)
Get a KeepnTrack Person Record by Id.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the KeepnTrack connection definition |
id* | text, expression, variable | the id of the KeepnTrack Person to get |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
personByID = getKeepnTrackPerson(conn, personID)
Get KeepnTrack Person Records.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the KeepnTrack connection definition |
filter | text, expression, variable | example Record or SQL WHERE clause used to filter the Records |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
persons = getKeepnTrackPersons(conn, \'Name_Last="Simpson"\')
Create/Update a KeepnTrack Facility Record.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the KeepnTrack connection definition |
record* | expression, variable | the Record to save |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
facilityTemplate = createRecord(true)
addRecordFieldValue(facilityTemplate, "FacilityId", "MYFACILITY",
addRecordFieldValue(facilityTemplate, "Name", "Springfield
Elementary School", false)
newfacility = saveKeepnTrackFacility(conn, facilityTemplate)
Create/Update a KeepnTrack Person Record.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | the KeepnTrack connection definition |
record* | expression, variable | the Record to save |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
# student
personTemplate = createRecord(true)
addRecordFieldValue(personTemplate, "Name_First", "Homer", false)
addRecordFieldValue(personTemplate, "Name_Last", "Simpson")
addRecordFieldValue(personTemplate, "IsStudent", "Y", false)
newPerson = saveKeepnTrackPerson(conn, personTemplate)
# staff
personTemplate = createRecord(true)
addRecordFieldValue(personTemplate, "Name_Prefix", "Mr.")
addRecordFieldValue(personTemplate, "Name_Suffix", "I", false)
addRecordFieldValue(personTemplate, "id", newPerson.id)
addRecordFieldValue(personTemplate, "IsStaff", "Y", true)
addRecordFieldValue(personTemplate, "Facilities", "1", true)
addRecordFieldValue(personTemplate, "Facilities", "3", true)
newPerson = saveKeepnTrackPerson(conn, personTemplate)
Supported KeepnTrack Person Record Fields
Required Fields on create: Name_First, Name_Last, and at least one of IsVisitor, IsVolunteer, IsStudent, IsStaff, or IsVendor must be set to 'Y'.
Field | Read-Only | Type | Description |
Inactive | N | Logical(Y/N) | Whether this record is active or not. Missing means active. |
EffectiveDate | N | Date(yyyy?mm?dd) | The date on which this record takes effect. Missing means “far distant past. |
ExpirationDate | N | Date(yyyy?mm?dd) | The date on which this record expires. Missing means no expiration. |
OnlineAppRecord | Y | Logical(Y/N) | Indicates if this Person record was created as an online application, which are filtered from Person lookup. |
IsVisitor | N | Logical(Y/N) | Specifies whether this person is a visitor. |
IsVolunteer | N | Logical(Y/N) | Specifies whether this person is a volunteer. |
IsStudent | N | Logical(Y/N) | Specifies whether this person is a student. |
IsStaff | N | Logical(Y/N) | Specifies whether this person is a staff member. |
IsVendor | N | Logical(Y/N) | Specifies whether this person is a vendor. |
PersonId | N | Text(24) | Account-assigned, unique identification number. Used for external interfaces. If empty on creation, the server assigns a unique value. |
SignedInCount | Y | Unsigned | The number of times the person is currently signed in. Typically zero (not signed in) or one (signed in). Unimplemented. |
Name_Prefix | N | Text(24) | Prefix to the person’s name. Examples include Ms., Dr., etc. |
Name_First | N | Text(32) | The person’s given name. |
Name_Last | N | Text(32) | The person’s surname name. |
Name_Suffix | N | Text(24) | Suffix to the person’s name. Includes degrees, certifications, and affiliations. |
Address_Organization | N | Text(64) | The name of the organization. |
Address_Line1 | N | Text(64) | The first line of the address. |
Address_Line2 | N | Text(64) | The second line of the address. |
Address_City | N | Text(64) | The address’s city name. |
Address_Region | N | Text(2) | Two-character state or province code. Link to the ‘Region’table. |
Address_Postal_Code | N | Text | The address’s postal code. Not a link. |
Address_Country | N | Text(2) | Two-character country code. Link to the ‘Country’table. |
Address_Residence | N | Logical(Y/N) | Whether this is a resdential mailing address or not. |
Address_Delivery_Instructions | N | Text | Instructions that may be passed along to the delivery person for this address. |
Address_USPS_Validation | N | Logical(Y/N) | Whether USPS address validation has been attempted. |
Address_UPS_Validation | N | Logical(Y/N) | Whether UPS address validation has been attempted. |
Address_USPS_Validated_Address | N | Text(200) | The raw text returned by the USPS validation method. Missing if not validated. |
Address_UPS_Validated_Address | N | Text(200) | The raw text returned by the USPS validation method. Missing if not validated. |
HomePhone | N | Phone Number | The person’s home phone number. |
WorkPhone | N | Phone Number | The person’s work phone number. |
MobilePhone | N | Phone Number | The person’s mobile phone number. |
FaxNumber | N | Phone Number | The person’s fax number. |
EmailAddress | N | Email Recipient List | The person’s email address. |
ConfirmationEmail | N | Email Recipient List | The email address that receives record update confirmation email messages. |
Gender | N | Text(F/M) | The person’s gender. |
Ethnicity | N | Text(16) | The person’s ethnicity. List of values determined from a preference. |
BirthDate | N | Date(yyyy?mm?dd) | The person’s birth date. |
SocialSecurityNumber | N | Text(9) | The person’s social security number. |
PictureURL | Y | URL | The URL of this person's picture, if any. |
CriminalConviction | N | Logical(Y/N) | Has this person been convicted of a crime? |
MedicalReleaseonFile | N | Logical(Y/N) | Does this person have a medical release on file? |
MedicalConditions | N | Text(200) | The known medical conditions for this person. |
EmergencyContact | N | Text(100) | Free-text field containing emergency contact information. |
Notes | N | Text(2500) | Free-text notes for this person. |
CustomField1 | N | Text(200) | A field that may be used for each customer’s specific needs. |
CustomField2 | N | Text(200) | A field that may be used for each customer’s specific needs. |
CustomField3 | N | Text(200) | A field that may be used for each customer’s specific needs. |
CustomField4 | N | Text(200) | A field that may be used for each customer’s specific needs. |
CustomField5 | N | Text(200) | A field that may be used for each customer’s specific needs. |
CustomField6 | N | Text(200) | A field that may be used for each customer’s specific needs. |
CustomField7 | N | Text(200) | A field that may be used for each customer’s specific needs. |
CustomField8 | N | Text(200) | A field that may be used for each customer’s specific needs. |
DriverLicenseState | N | Text(2) | The two-letter postal code for the state issuing this person’s driver license. |
DriverLicenseNumber | N | Text(24) | The person’s driver license number. |
VehicleRegistrationState | N | Text(2) | The two-letter postal code for the state issuing this person’s vehicle registration. |
VehicleRegistration Number | N | Text(12) | This person’s license plate number. |
VehicleMake | N | Text(12) | The make of this person’s vehicle. |
VehicleColor | N | Text(12) | The color of this person’s vehicle. |
VolunteerId | N | Text(24) | For volunteers. Used to store a unique external id for this volunteer. |
VolunteerType | N | Text(32) | For volunteers. The type of this volunteer. List determined from a preference. |
VolunteerHours | Y | Minutes | For volunteers. The total number of volunteer minutes for this person. |
FavoriteActivities | N | Text(1000) | For volunteers. Unused. |
CheckoutAllowed | N | Logical(Y/N) | For students. Is this student permitted to be checked out? |
Grade | N | Text(2) | For students. The grade this student is in. |
Teacher | N | Text(32) | For students. The name of this student’s primary teacher. |
Bus1 | N | Text(12) | For students. This student’s bus number. |
Bus2 | N | Text(12) | For students. This student’s bus number. |
StudentId | N | Text(24) | For students. A value used to link this student to the SIS. |
Family Id | N | Text(24) | For students. A place to store information provided by the SIS. |
StudentHours | Y | Minutes | For students. The number of minutes this person has been checked in as a student. |
Homeroom | N | Text(12) | For students. The homeroom for this student. |
AuthorizedToCheckout | N | Text(1000) | For students. The list of people who are authorized to checkout this student. |
OnStaffDate | N | Date(yyyy?mm?dd) | For staff. The date this person joined the staff. |
StaffId | N | Text(24) | For staff. A place to store information provided by the SIS. |
StaffPosition | N | Text(32) | For staff. Text for the type of position this person holds. List determined from a preference. |
StaffHours | Y | Minutes | For staff. The number of minutes this person has been checked in as staff. |
Employer | N | Text(32) | For vendors. This vendor’s employer contact information. |
VendorHours | Y | Minutes | For vendors. The number of minutes this vendor has been checked in. |
CheckInAllowed | N | Logical(Y/N) | Is this person permitted to check in? |
SecurityApproved | N | Logical(Y/N) | Has this person’s application been reviewed by an outside authority? |
BackgroundCheckDate | N | Date(yyyy?mm?dd) | Date of this person’s most current background check. This background check is performed outside of KeepnTrack. May be missing. |
SexOffenderCheckTime | Y | Time | The time this person was last checked against the sex offender database. |
SexOffenderScore | Y | Unsigned | The score from the most recent sex offender check. Zero if no matches were found. |
SexOffenderResults | Y | Text(1000) | Textual results from the most recent sex offender check. |
CBCOffenderCheckTime | Y | Time | The time this person was last checked against criminal database. Unused. |
CBCOffenderScore | Y | Unsigned | The score from the most recent criminal background check. Zero if no matches were found. Unused. |
CBCOffenderResults | Y | Text(1000) | Textual results from the most recent criminal background check. Unused. |
PrintBadge | N | Logical(Y/N) | Print a badge for this person on check in? |
PersonalMessage | N | Text(250) | Text message to be displayed for this person on check in. |
LoginId | N | Text(24) | An optional login id used by this person to access their information through a web interface. |
Password | N | Password | Paired with the login id. Password authorizing this person to access their information. |
Facilities | N | Id (Multi-value) | The ids of facilities to which this person is affiliated. |
Supported KeepnTrack Facility Record Fields
Field | Read-Only | Type | Description |
FacilityId | N | Text(32) | A short character string identifying the facility. |
Name | N | Text(32) | The name of the facility. |
ContactPerson_Prefix | N | Text(24) | Prefix to the person’s name. Examples include Ms., Dr., etc. |
ContactPerson_First | N | Text(32) | The person’s given name. |
ContactPerson_Last | N | Text(32) | The person’s surname name. |
ContactPerson_Suffix | N | Text(24) | Suffix to the person’s name. Includes degrees, certifications, and affiliations. |
PhoneNumber | N | Phone Number | The main phone number for this facility. |
FaxNumber | N | Phone Number | The fax number for this facility. |
EmailAddress | N | Email Recipient List | The email address for the facility contact person. |
Address_Organization | N | Text(64) | The name of the organization. |
Address_Line1 | N | Text(64) | The first line of the address. |
Address_Line2 | N | Text(64) | The second line of the address. |
Address_City | N | Text(64) | The address’s city name. |
Address_Region | N | Text(2) | Two-character state or province code. Link to the ‘Region’ table. |
Address_PostalCode | N | Postal Code | The address’s postal code. Not a link. |
Address_Country | N | Text(2) | Two-character country code. Link to the ‘Country’ table. |
Address_Residence | N | Logical(Y/N) | Whether this is a resdential mailing address or not. |
Address_DeliveryInstructions | N | Text | Instructions that may be passed along to the delivery person for this address. |
Address_USPSValidation | N | Logical(Y/N) | Whether USPS address validation has been attempted. |
Address_UPSValidation | N | Logical(Y/N) | Whether UPS address validation has been attempted. |
Address_USPSValidatedAddress | N | Text(200) | The raw text returned by the USPS validation method. Nil if not validated. |
Address_UPSValidatedAddress | N | Text(200) | The raw text returned by the USPS validation method. Nil if not validated. |
TimeZone | N | Text(64) | The time zone in which this facility is located. |
ScreenLogoURL | Y | URL | The URL of this accounts screen logo. |
BadgeLogoURL | Y | URL | The URL of this accounts badge logo. |
Supported KeepnTrack Activity Record Fields
Field | Read-Only | Type | Description |
Facility | Y | ID | The facility to which this activity is associated. |
ActivityPerson | Y | ID | The person performing this activity. Applies only to activities for enrolled persons. |
Student | Y | ID | The student on whose behalf these hours should be credited. Not implemented. |
Parent | Y | ID | For a student being checked in or out, the parent who is doing the activity. Not implemented. |
Source | Y | Text(8) | The client from which this Activity originated. Currently either Admin or Kiosk. |
Classification | Y | Text(12) | The major classification for this Activity (e.g, Volunteer, Visitor, Student, Staff.) |
ActivityGroup | Y | Text(32) | Previously, for non-timed activities, the event that triggered this activity (e.g. Activity, Early Dismissal, Late Arrival.) Obsolete. |
ActivityType | Y | Text(32) | The type of activity this record represents. List determined from a preference. |
Destination | Y | Text(32) | Specific location or activity associated with Activity Type. |
TypeandDestination | Y | Text(64) | The text “Type (Destination)” for reporting and badges. |
TransactionType | Y | Text(8) | One of 'Timed', 'In', or 'Out' specifying whether the transaction is timed or untimed. |
StartTime | Y | Time | The time at which this activity started. |
EndTime | Y | Time | The time at which this activity concluded. |
Duration | Y | Minutes | The duration, in minutes, of this activity. |
CheckinStation | Y | ID | Station at which this person checked in. Present only for activities handled by the Kiosk. |
CheckinTime | Y | Time | Time at which this person checked out. Present only for activities handled by the Kiosk. |
CheckoutStation | Y | ID | Station at which this person checked out. Present only for activities handled by the Kiosk. |
CheckoutTime | Y | Time | Time at which this person checked out. Present only for activities handled by the Kiosk. |
Login | Y | ID | For manually entered records, the administrator creating the record. |
PersonId | Y | Text(24) | The Person Id of this Volunteer, Student, or Staff person. Used for sign out lookups. Applies only to enrolled persons. |
PersonName_Prefix | Y | Text(24) | Prefix to the person’s name. Examples include Ms., Dr., etc. |
PersonName_First | Y | Text(32) | The person’s given name. |
PersonName_Last | Y | Text(32) | The person’s surname name. |
PersonName_Suffix | Y | Text(24) | Suffix to the person’s name. Includes degrees, certifications, and affiliations. |
VisitorId | Y | Text(32) | For visitors. The visitor's driver license number or other form of id. |
VehicleMake | Y | Text(24) | For visitors. The visitor's vehicle make and color. |
VehicleRegistration | Y | Text(16) | For visitors. The visitor's vehicle registration number. |
BadgeNumber | Y | Text(8) | A unique number printed on the badge if a badge was printed at sign in. |
JobNumber | Y | Text(32) | For staff. The government-required job number. |
Donation | Y | Currency | The amount of a monetary donation. |
Description | Y | Text(2500) | A textual description of this activity for manually entered records. |
PictureURL | Y | URL | The URL of this person's picture, if any. |
Notes | Y | Text(2500) | Notes, if any, associated with this activity. |
FacilityName | Y | Text | The name of the facility where this activity took place. |