- 03 Jun 2022
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Logging Actions
- Updated on 03 Jun 2022
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Logging Actions
Write a message to the log.
Property | Value | Description |
message* | text, expression, variable | the message to be logged |
level | choice (INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, ERROR, WARN), text, expression, variable | the log level (default: INFO) |
color | text, expression, variable | the message color (any legal html color specification)(default: depends on level |
# Should return "1,2,3,4"
log("Starting the loop process!")
a = createArray()
i = 0
while (i < 10) {
i = i + 1
if (i == 5) {
break ()
} else {
Write an event to the audit log, returning the automatically generated event unique id on success.
Property | Value | Description |
eventName* | choice(addDistributionListMember, addGroupMember, changePassword, createAccount, createDistributionList, createGroup, createMailbox, deleteAccount, deleteDistributionList, deleteGroup, deleteMailbox, disableAccount, disableMailbox, enableAccount, enableMailbox, moveAccount, moveDistributionList, moveGroup, removeDistributionListMember, removeGroupMember, renameAccount, renameDistributionList, renameGroup, updateAccount, updateDistributionList, updateGroup, updateMailbox), text, expression, variable | the audit event name |
groupID | text, expression, variable | id used for grouping individual events together as one logical event (default: the automatically generated event unique id) |
targetSystem | text, expression, variable | the target system of the action (default: none) |
targetID | text, expression, variable | the ID of the target object of the action (default: none) |
target | text, expression, variable | the name of the target object of the action (default: none) |
perpetratorID | text, expression, variable | the ID of the perpetrator of the action (default: none) |
perpetratorDN | text, expression, variable | the DN of the perpetrator of the action (default: none) |
successful* | boolean, expression, variable | the result of the action |
extendedProperties | expression, variable | Record or object containing addition key/value pairs to be logged (default: none) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
logAuditEvent("changePassword", undefined, "AD:myDC", undefined,
"cn=FFlintstone,cn=Users,dc=bedrock,dc=net", undefined,
"cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=bedrock,dc=net", true,
{userpassword: newPassword})