- 03 Jun 2022
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QuickSchools Adapter Actions
- Updated on 03 Jun 2022
- 2 Minutes to read
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QuickSchools Adapter Actions
Define a connection to a QuickSchools Server.
Property | Value | Description |
apiKey* | password, string, expression, variable | Secret key for authentication to the QuickSchools REST service |
options | expression, variable | A record or JavaScript object with a field for each additional option. Currently defined fields are connectTimeout and socketTime which require a numeric value from 1 to 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF) that represents the number of milliseconds for the timeout, and 0 representing no timeout. |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
conn = defineQuickSchoolsConnection(<Password>)
Get a QuickSchools record.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | The connection to the QuickSchools Server |
type* | choice (class, parent, section, student, student sections, teacher), text, expression, variable | The type of record to retrieve |
id* | text, expression, variable | The ID of the record |
fields | text, expression, variable | A comma separated list of additional attributes to retrieve |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
record = getQuickSchoolsRecord(conn, "student", "415330")
Get QuickSchools Records.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | The connection to the QuickSchools Server |
type* | choice (classes, parents, school, schools, sections, students, student sections, teachers), text, expression, variable | The type of records to retrieve |
filter | expression, variable | A record to filter by |
fields | text, expression, variable | A comma separated list of additional attributes to retrieve |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
records = getQuickSchoolsRecords(conn, "students")
Open QuickSchools record iterator.
Property | Value | Description |
connection* | expression, variable | The connection to the QuickSchools Server |
type* | choice (parents, students, student sections, teachers), text, expression, variable | The type of record to retrieve |
filter | expression, variable | A record to filter by |
fields | text, expression, variable | A comma separated list of additional attributes to retrieve |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
it = openQuickSchoolsRecordIterator(conn, "students")
forEach(record, it) {
# process record
Create or Update a QuickSchools record.
Property | Value | Description |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the value |
connection* | expression, variable | The connection to the QuickSchools Server |
type* | choice (classes, parents, school, schools, sections, students, student sections, teachers), text, expression, variable | The type of records to save |
id | text, expression, variable | The ID of the record to update. This is required for resource types of parents, sections, or assignments |
record* | text, expression, variable | the QuickSchools record to save |
Supported Student Record Fields
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
age | integer | the age of the student | Yes | No | No |
classCode | string | the grade level abbreviation | Yes | No | No |
classId | integer | the identifier for the class | Yes | No | No |
className | string | the grade level of the student | Yes | No | No |
fullName | string | the full name of the student | Yes | No | No |
gender | string | the gender of the student | Yes | No | No |
id | integer | unique student identifier | Yes | No | No |
preferredName | string | the preferred name of the student | Yes | No | No |
Supported Student Filter Fields
Field | Type | Description |
homeroomId | integer | the unique identifier of the student's homeroom |
classId | integer | the unique identifier of the student's grade level |
parentId | integer | the unique identifier of the student's parent |
showHasLeft | boolean | if true, includes students who have graduated |
showDeleted | boolean | if true, includes deleted students |
studentNumbers | string | a student number, or a comma separated list of student numbers |
search | string,integer | the student's full name, the student's number, or class name |
Supported Additional Student Fields
- firstName
- middleName
- familyName
- suffix
- studentNumber
- enrollmentDate
- parents
- siblings
- homeroomId
- homeroomTeacher
- multiLineResidentialAddress
- country
- zip
- state
- city
- phone
- cellPhone
- fax
- nationality
- confidentialInformation
- deleted
- hasLeft
- isExpelled
- customFields
Supported Teacher Record Fields
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
fullName | string | the full name of the teacher | Yes | No | No |
gender | string | the gender of the teacher | Yes | No | No |
id | integer | unique teacher identifier | Yes | No | No |
title | string | the title of the teacher | Yes | No | No |
Supported Teacher Filter Fields
Field | Type | Description |
employeeNumbers | string | an employee number, or a comma separated list of employee numbers |
search | string,integer | the teacher's full name or employee name |
Supported Parent Record Field
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
fullName | string | the full name of the parent | Yes | No | No |
id | integer | unique parent identifier | Yes | No | No |
Supported Additional Parent Fields
- students
- country
- zip
- state
- city
- cellPhone
- homePhone
Supported Class Record Field
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
abbreviation | string | the grade level abbreviation | Yes | No | No |
id | integer | unique class identifier | Yes | No | No |
name | string | the grade level | Yes | No | No |
sortOrder | integer | the key used for sorting classes | Yes | No | No |
Supported Section Record Field
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
classId | integer | the identifier for the class | Yes | No | No |
className | string | the grade level of the section | Yes | No | No |
id | integer | unique section identifier | Yes | No | No |
sectionCode | string | the code of the section | Yes | No | No |
sectionName | string | the name of the section | Yes | No | No |
teachers | string | a list of section teachers and their details | Yes | No | No |
Supported School Record Field
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
address | string | the address of the school | Yes | No | No |
string | the email address of the school | Yes | No | No | |
id | integer | unique school identifier | Yes | No | No |
phone | string | the phone number of the school | Yes | No | No |
principalName | string | the name of the school principle | Yes | No | No |
schoolCode | string | the code of the school | Yes | No | No |
schoolName | string | the name of the school | Yes | No | No |
website | string | the website for the school | Yes | No | No |
Support School Filter Fields
Field | Type | Description |
subdomain | string | the subdomain for a school |
Supported Student Sections Record Field
Field | Type | Description | Read | Create | Update |
fullName | string | the full name of the student | Yes | No | No |
id | integer | unique student identifier | Yes | No | No |
sections | string | a list of enrolled sections and their details | Yes | No | No |
record = createRecord(true)
setRecordFieldValue(record, "studentNumbers", "S-000003,S-000010,
records = getQuickSchoolsRecords(conn, "students", record)
record = createRecord(true)
setRecordFieldValue(record, "search", "Amber Phillips")
records = getQuickSchoolsRecords(conn, "students", record)
records = getQuickSchoolsRecords(conn, "students", "city, state,
zip, country, cellPhone, parents")
Documentation from QuickSchools
QuickSchools API Documentation.
To obtain an API Key for QuickSchools, click QuickSchools.