GO! View Portal Personas and Applications Demystified
  • 27 Sep 2023
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GO! View Portal Personas and Applications Demystified

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Article summary

RapidIdentity GO! View Portal Personas and Applications

The RapidIdentity Classroom View provides several unique capabilites that enable administrators to deliver different experiences to specific groups of users, or Personas, within the RapidIdentity platform. This includes the ability to choose the specific SSO Applications for each.


Associating Applictions with GO! View Portal Personas isn't the same as Controlling SSO Application Access.

Although an Administrator can associate SSO Applications with indvidual Personas, only those SSO Applications to which a particular user has access to will be shown to them.

Take the following scenario for example:

Jimmy, a 4th grade student in Willow Elementary School is associated with a Persona that includes the ABCmouse SSO Application.

The ABCmouse SSO Application has been defined with access controls for 3rd grade students meaning, only third grade students in Willow Elementary School can access ABCmouse.

Because Jimmy is in 4th grade, he doesn't see the ABCmouse SSO Application in RapidIdentity and he is not able to login to ABCmouse using RapidIdentity SSO, even though the Persona that Jimmy is associated with includes the ABCmouse SSO Application.

Access controls on SSO Applications create a dynamic association between users and applications such that, when a user's role or attributes change, their access to SSO Applications change with them.

In the example above, Jimmy was able to see and access the ABCmouse SSO Application in RapidIdentity when Jimmy was in 3rd grade. When Jimmy was promoted to the 4th grade however, RapidIdentity recognized that his grade level in the Student Information System changed and automaticaly changed his role and attributes in RapidIdentity and related systems accordingly.

As a result, Jimmy automatically lost the ability to access ABCmouse, a 3rd grade application in Willow Elementary School, when he was promoted to the 4th grade.

Setting Access Controls on the SSO Application definition enables the RapidIdentity System to automatically assign, reassign and remove a user's access to SSO Applications based on a School's or District's Policy without requiring involvment from the IT team or school administration.

Associating SSO Applications with SSO Portal Personas empowers authorized administrators of the RapidIdentity System to customize the user experience in the SSO Portal to only view the applications to which they have access.

Combined, Access Controls associated with SSO Applications and SSO Applications associated with SSO Portal Personas provide a highly personalized user experience in a highly automated manner.

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