Sync RapidIdentity with Active Directory for the Windows Authentication Client
  • 06 Jun 2023
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Sync RapidIdentity with Active Directory for the Windows Authentication Client

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Article Summary

Sync RapidIdentity Cloud Users with AD for the Windows Authentication Client

This document describes a way to sync RapidIdentity Cloud users with AD Domain controller for the RapidIdentity Windows Authentication Client.

Reference link to documentation on RapidIdentity Connect : RapidIdentity Connect


  • Download RapidIdentityToAD and FnHasRecordChanged action set (both files linked below) to local PC.



  • In the Connect Module, use the Import option in the bottom navigation bar to upload the downloaded Action Sets.

Connect - Import

  • Once the imports are complete, navigate to the Files tab and click on the File in the list that appears. Once it is highlighted, click on Edit in the bottom navigation bar.

Files - Edit

  • Copy the codeblock pasted below, and be sure to customize all fields in the block to reflect your specific environment.
adHost=bridge-<bridgename>.idaas-<idaas tenant url exclude .com>.svc.cluster.local
adUser=Domaincontroller Account user <USername>@<Domaincontroller>
adPwd=decrypt password of adUser (given decryption is for - idAuto#123)
adPort= Port number on which your identity bridge is connected.
adSSL = true

If Domain Name is then write for adBaseDN adBaseDN=DC=authclient,DC=idautoengineering,DC=net

  • Once the custom fields have been updated, paste this codeblock at the bottom of the Properties code as seen in the image below. Click Save in the bottom navigation bar to save your changes.
    code block

  • Navigate back to Action Sets via the tab seen in the left navigation bar. Highlight the Action Set titled 'KW_RapidIdentityToAD_copy' by checking the checkbox, and click on the Details button.
    action set - details

  • Once the Details are open, rename the myBridgeName property by entering your Identity Bridge name in it.
    Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 3.35.34 PM.png

  • In the botton navigation bar, click the Run option. A right side menu will appear that shows the settings for this Run Action. Set the logOnly field to false and check the box for Enabled Detailed Tracing. Once the settings match the image below, click the Run button to run the Action set for all users.
    Run Action

A log of the Action Set run will appear in a new tab when the process is complete.

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