- 27 Jun 2023
- 3 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
Text Adapter Actions
- Updated on 27 Jun 2023
- 3 Minutes to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Text Adapter Actions
Open a Delimited Text file for reading.
Property | Value | Description |
filesystem | expression, variable | the filesystem definition to use (default: dss server managed files) |
fileName* | text, expression, variable | the name of the Delimited Text input file |
charSet | text, expression, variable | the character encoding of the file (default: ISO-8859-1) |
fieldNames | text, expression, variable | comma separated string containing the names of the fields in each Record |
firstRecordHandling | choice (Normal, Field Names, Skip), text, expression, variable | how to handle the first Record of the file |
fieldSeparator | text, expression, variable | the field separator character (default: ',') |
quoteCharacter | text, expression, variable | the quote character (default: '"') |
escapeCharacter | text, expression, variable | the quote character (default: the quoteCharacter) |
strictQuoteHandling | boolean, expression, variable | true if strict quote handling should be enforced (default: false) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
csvInput = openDelimitedTextInput("input.csv", "utf-8",
"fname,lname,dept,loc,job,status,type", "Skip", ",", "\\"",
"\\"", false)
Open a Delimited Text file for writing.
Property | Value | Description |
filesystem | expression, variable | the filesystem definition to use (default: dss server managed files) |
fileName* | text, expression, variable | the name of the Delimited Text output file |
appendToFile | boolean, expression, variable | true if the file should be appended to (default: false) |
charSet | text, expression, variable | the character encoding of the file (default: ISO-8859-1) |
fieldNames* | text, expression, variable | comma separated string containing the names of the fields in each Record |
outputHeaderRecord | boolean, expression, variable | true if a header Record should be output containing the field names (default: false) |
fieldSeparator | text, expression, variable | the field separator character (default: ',') |
quoteCharacter | text, expression, variable | the quote character (default: '"') |
escapeCharacter | text, expression, variable | the quote character (default: the quoteCharacter) |
eol | expression, variable | the character(s) to use as end-of-line (default: '\n') |
quoteAllFields | boolean, expression, variable | quote all fields (default: false) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
csvOutput = openDelimitedTextOutput("output.csv", "utf-8",
"fname,lname,dept,loc,job,status,type", true, ",", "\\"",
"\\"", false)
Open an LDIF file for writing.
Property | Value | Description |
filesystem | expression, variable | the filesystem definition to use (default: dss server managed files) |
fileName* | text, expression, variable | the name of the LDIF output file |
appendToFile | boolean, expression, variable | true if the file should be appended to (default: false) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
ldifOutput = openLDIFOutput("output.ldif", false)
Open a Text file for reading.
Property | Value | Description |
filesystem | expression, variable | the filesystem definition to use (default: dss server managed files) |
fileName* | text, expression, variable | the name of the Delimited Text input file |
charSet | text, expression, variable | the character encoding of the file (default: ISO-8859-1) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
textInput = openTextInput("input.txt", "utf-8", false)
Open a Text file for writing.
Property | Value | Description |
filesystem | expression, variable | the filesystem definition to use (default: dss server managed files) |
fileName* | text, expression, variable | the name of the Delimited Text output file |
appendToFile | boolean, expression, variable | true if the file should be appended to (default: false) |
charSet | text, expression, variable | the character encoding of the file (default: ISO-8859-1) |
eol | expression, variable | the character(s) to use as end-of-line (default: '\n') |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
textOutput = openTextOutput("output.txt", false, "utf-8", false,
Put a line to a Text Output.
Property | Value | Description |
textOutput* | expression, variable | the Text Output |
line* | expression, variable | the output line |
putTextOutputLine(textOutput, "The quick brown fox jumped over
the lazy dog.")
Put a Record to a Text Output.
Property | Value | Description |
textOutput* | expression, variable | the Text Output |
record* | expression, variable | the output Record |
record = createRecord(, )
setRecordFieldValue(record, "fname", "John")
setRecordFieldValue(record, "lname", "Doe")
setRecordFieldValue(record, "dept", "Sales")
setRecordFieldValue(record, "loc", "CA")
setRecordFieldValue(record, "job", "Manager")
setRecordFieldValue(record, "status", "Active")
setRecordFieldValue(record, "type", "Full-Time")
putTextOutputRecord(textOutput, record)
Rewind Text Input back to the beginning.
Property | Value | Description |
textInput* | expression, variable | the Text Input |
Complete Examples
# open csv input file using first line as field names
csvInput = openDelimitedTextInput("input.csv", "utf-8", 1, \',\\'
# open csv output file using specified field names, don't write
header, append if existing file
csvOutput = openDelimitedTextOutput("input.csv", false, "utf-8",
"sn,givenName,gender,species", true, \'\\n\')
# open ldif output file
ldifOutput = openLDIFOutput("output.ldif")
# loop through input records
forEach(record, csvInput) {
# write record to output csv
putTextOutputRecord(csvOutput, record)
# add dn and also write to output ldif
setRecordFieldValue(record, record[\'@dn\'] , "cn=" +
record[\'givenName\'] + " " + record[\'sn\'] +
putTextOutputRecord(output, ldifOutput)
# read lines from input file, transform to uppercase, and write to
output file
lineInput = openTextInput("input.txt", "utf-8")
lineOutput = openTextOutput("output.txt", "utf-8", "\\n")
forEach(line, lineInput) {
line = stringToUpper(line)\n putTextOutputLine(lineOutput, line)