Exchange Agent 2023.03.27 - What's Changed
  • 30 Mar 2023
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Exchange Agent 2023.03.27 - What's Changed

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Article summary

Exchange Agent 2023.03.27 Updates and Impacts

The RapidIdentity Exchange Agent has been updated to accommodate Microsoft's impending PowerShell deprecations.

Click here for more information regarding Microsoft's PowerShell deprecations.
Click here for instructions to update the RapidIdentity Exchange Agent to the 2023.03.27 version.

This update changes several Actions in the RapidIdentity Connect Office365 Adapter.


Several RapidIdentity Connect Office365 Adapter Actions reference the deprecated MSOL service in their names; these Actions have been updated to use the Microsoft Graph API instead.

As a result, the following updates are required.

User Actions


  • Creates or updates a user

  • This action previously used Microsoft Online New-MsolUser to create users and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph New-MgUser

  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Set-MsolUser to update users and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph Update-MgUser

  • Creating a user now requires the following fields:

    • AccountEnabled
      • This is a new field in Microsoft Graph. The Exchange Agent will set the “AccountEnabled” field to “true” if not specified.
    • MailNickname
      • This is a new field in Microsoft Graph. The Exchange Agent will set the “MailNickname” field to the “DisplayName” value if it is not specified.
    • Password
      • If you create users without a password, you will need to update your Connect logic to supply a random password. Microsoft Online would automatically generate a random password when creating users without “Password” specified, but this is not the case with Microsoft Graph.
    • Special consideration should be taken when updating the “DisplayName” for a user (i.e. may also want to consider updating “MailNickname”).
      • See bullet point above regarding “MailNickname” not being specified on user create

Some User fields have changed names.

The Exchange Agent will automatically update the following fields when creating and updating a user:

  • “FirstName” will be “GivenName”
  • “LastName” is now “Surname”
  • “Fax” is now “FaxNumber"
  • “Office” is now “OfficeLocation”

License Changes

  • The “AddLicenses” field will no longer accept an “AccountSkuId”. It will now accept either “SkuId” or “SkuPartNumber”.
  • The “RemoveLicenses” field will no longer accept an “AccountSkuId”. It will now accept either “SkuId” or “SkuPartNumber”
  • “SkuPartNumber” can be extracted from “AccountSkuId”.
    • Given “AccountSkuId=tp01n:DEVELOPERPACK_E5”, “SkuPartNumber=DEVELOPERPACK_E5” (i.e. everything after the colon in “AccountSkuId”).
  • The “LicenseOptions” field will no longer accept an “AccountSkuId” in its JSON objects. Instead, it will accept “SkuId” or “SkuPartNumber”.
    • “LicenseOptions” are used for disabling specific plans within a license (e.g. “[{“SkuId”:”SkuId1”,”DisabledPlans”:[“YAMMER_ENTERPRISE”]}]”)


  • Retrieves a list of users with optional max results and filter
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Get-MsolUser to retrieve users and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph Get-MgUser
  • Filter changes
    • Careful consideration should be taken when updating Connect action sets utilizing the optional filter parameter. Microsoft provides documentation for using filters. An example filter object passed to getOffice365MsolUsers would be:
Old Way
filter = createRecord(true)
setRecordFieldValue(filter, 'SearchString', 'Mi')

New Way
filter = createRecord(true)
setRecordFieldValue(filter, 'Filter', 'startsWith(DisplayName, "Mi")')


  • Retrieves a specific user by unique identifier
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Get-MsolUser to retrieve users and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph Get-MgUser
  • The “Identity”/”UserPrincipalName” field was used as the unique identifier for Microsoft Online, but the “Id” field is used by Microsoft Graph. The Exchange Agent will automatically handle this change when retrieving a specific user (i.e. A user can be found by providing either “UserPrincipalName” or “Id”).
  • The “Identity” field will no longer be returned on the user objects. If the value is needed in Connect logic, utilize “UserPrincipalName” or “Id” instead.
  • The “Id” field is now returned by user objects and should be used to reference users


  • Deletes a specific user by unique identifier
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Remove-MsolUser to delete users and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph Remove-MgUser
  • The “Identity”/”UserPrincipalName” field was used as the unique identifier for Microsoft Online, but the “Id” field is used by Microsoft Graph. The Exchange Agent will automatically handle this change when deleting a specific user (i.e. A user can be deleted by providing either “UserPrincipalName” or “Id”).



  • Creates or updates a user
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online New-MsolGroup to create groups and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph New-MgGroup
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Set-MsolGroup to update groups and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph Update-MgGroup
  • Creating a group now requires the following fields:
    • DisplayName
      • It’s unlikely that groups were being created without the “DisplayName” field, but it was not required with Microsoft Online and is required by Microsoft Graph
    • MailNickname
      • This is a new field in Microsoft Graph. The Exchange Agent will set the “MailNickname” field to the “DisplayName” value if it is not specified.
    • MailEnabled
      • This is a new field in Microsoft Graph. The Exchange Agent will set the “MailEnabled” field to “false” if not specified.
    • SecurityEnabled
      • This is a new field in Microsoft Graph. The Exchange Agent will set the “MailEnabled” field to “true” if not specified.
    • Special consideration should be taken when updating the “DisplayName” for a group (i.e. may also want to consider updating “MailNickname”).
      • See bullet point above regarding “MailNickname” not being specified on group create


  • Retrieves a list of groups with optional max results and filter
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Get-MsolGroup to retrieve groups and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph Get-MgGroup
  • The “Identity” field will no longer be returned on the group objects. If the value is needed in Connect logic, utilize “DisplayName” or “Id” instead.
  • The “Id” field is now returned by group objects and should be used to reference groups
  • Filter changes
    • Careful consideration should be taken when updating Connect action sets utilizing the optional filter parameter. Microsoft provides documentation for using filters. An example filter object passed to getOffice365MsolGroups would be:
Old Way
filter = createRecord(true)
setRecordFieldValue(filter, 'SearchString', 'Administrator')

New Way
filter = createRecord(true)
setRecordFieldValue(filter, 'Filter', 'DisplayName eq Administrator')


  • Retrieves a specific group by unique identifier
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Get-MsolGroup to retrieve groups and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph Get-MgGroup
  • The “Identity”/”DisplayName” field was used as the unique identifier for Microsoft Online, but the “Id” field is used by Microsoft Graph. The Exchange Agent will automatically handle this change when retrieving a specific group (i.e. A group can be found by providing either “DisplayName” or “Id”).
  • The “Identity” field will no longer be returned on the group objects. If the value is needed in Connect logic, utilize “DisplayName” or “Id” instead.
  • The “Id” field is now returned by group objects and should be used to reference groups


  • Deletes a specific group by unique identifier
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Remove-MsolGroup to delete groups and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph Remove-MgGroup
  • The “Identity”/”DisplayName” field was used as the unique identifier for Microsoft Online, but the “Id” field is used by Microsoft Graph. The Exchange Agent will automatically handle this change when deleting a specific group (i.e. A group can be deleted by providing either “DisplayName” or “Id”).


  • Adds a specific user as a member of a specific group
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Add-MsolGroupMember to add group members and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph New-MgGroupMember




  • Retrieves a list of roles
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Get-MsolRole to retrieve roles and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph Get-MgDirectoryRole
  • You may find that not all roles returned from Get-MsolRole are returned by Get-MgDirectoryRole. If this is the case, look at the “Import MsolRoles to MgDirectoryRoles” section below.


  • Retrieves a specific role by unique identifier
  • This action previously used Microsoft Online Get-MsolRole to retrieve roles and that is replaced by Microsoft Graph Get-MgDirectoryRole
  • You may find that not all roles returned from Get-MsolRole are returned by Get-MgDirectoryRole. If this is the case, look at the “Import MsolRoles to MgDirectoryRoles” section below.



Import MsolRoles to MgDirectoryRoles

This PowerShell script provides an example of how to import MSOL roles into Microsoft Graph. Run this in an Administrator PowerShell on the Windows machine where the Exchange Agent is installed with the appropriate credentials.

> $user = ""
> $password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'password123' -AsPlainText -Force
> $basicCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($user,$password)
> Connect-MsolService -Credential $basicCred
> $appId = "<azure_app_id>"
> $tenantId = "<azure_tenant_id>"
> $certThumbprint = "<cert_thumbprint>"
> $certPath = 'Cert:\LocalMachine\My\' + $certThumbprint
> $cert = Get-ChildItem -Path $certPath
> Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $appId -TenantId $tenantId -Certificate $cert
> Get-MsolRole | ForEach-Object {
    $template = (Get-MgDirectoryRoleTemplate -DirectoryRoleTemplateId $_.ObjectId)
    if ($template -ne $null) {
   	 $filter = "RoleTemplateId eq '" + $template.Id + "'"
   	 $role = Get-MgDirectoryRole -Filter $filter
   	 if ($role -eq $null) {
   		 New-MgDirectoryRole -RoleTemplateId $role.Id

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