Federated Chromebook Username Passthrough
  • 06 Sep 2023
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Federated Chromebook Username Passthrough

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Article summary

You can configure Google Chromebooks to pass usernames back to RapidIdentity from Google when unlocking the chromebook.

1) Login to Google Admin Console

2) Navigate to Menu ""-> Devices -> Chrome -> Settings -> Users & Browsers

  • Under Security, select SAML Single sign-on login frequency from the list and apply your desired Sign-on Frequency options. We recommend Every Time
  • To Configure the behavior of unlocking from the lock screen:
    • Under Security, select SAML single sign-on unlock frequency from the list. To require RapidIdentity for unlocks set this to 0.

3) Navigate to Menu ""-> Devices -> Chrome -> Settings -> Device Settings

  • Under Security, select Autofill username on SAML IdP Login Page from the list and set the Configuration - URL parameter name to Username

4) Login to your RapidIdentity tenant as the Tenant Administrator

5) Navigate to Configuration -> Security -> Identity Providers -> Web Template

  • Add the following code to the Custom HTML section and then Save and Trigger Web Reload
        function updateInputValue() {
            // Locate the RI login button
            var inputElement = document.getElementById("identification");
            if (inputElement) {
                console.log("Input box found...", inputElement);
                // Get the URL without the '#/authn' part
                var url = window.location.href.split('#')[0];
                // Decode the URL
                url = decodeURIComponent(url);
                var usernameParam = 'Username=';
                var usernameStart = url.indexOf(usernameParam);
                if (usernameStart !== -1) {
                    // Find the username in the URL
                    var username = url.substr(usernameStart + usernameParam.length);
                    inputElement.value = username;
                    console.log("Input value set to:", username);
                } else {
                    console.log("Username parameter not found or empty");
            } else {
                console.log("Input element not found yet, trying again in 100ms");
                setTimeout(updateInputValue, 100); // Retry after a delay
        // Update the username input field

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