Foreign Language Support within RapidIdentity
  • 05 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Foreign Language Support within RapidIdentity

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Article summary

RapidIdentity supports multiple languages via Changing Languages within the browser and a localization file within Configuration. RapidIdentity maintains the Spanish files and provides support for customers to generate additional language files.

RapidIdentity will utilize the language selected in the user's web browser once the appropriate locale files are loaded.   To set the preferred language in the web browser:

For Spanish Language Support

  • Access RapidIdentity Localization by going to Configuration -> General -> Localization

  • Click on Import Locale in the bottom menu bar

  • Download and Select the below File 

  • Name the new locale es and click Import

  • Click on Refresh Cache

For Additional Language Support

  • Access RapidIdentity Localization by going to Configuration -> General -> Localization
  • Download the below file to build your new Locale file

  • Open the .csv file and you will want to translate the word in column C to your new language and put the translated values in column D.   Ignore the first row as that is your header.  Below is a snippet of the file from the Spanish Locale File for an example.

  • When your .csv file is complete please save it as a .csv file 

  • Access RapidIdentity Localization by going to Configuration -> General -> Localization

  • Click on Import Locale in the bottom menu bar

  • Select your .csv file you saved above.

  • Name your new Locale to match the browser locale code you are importing (see list here). For example fr for French.

  • Click on Refresh Cache

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