Groups Module - Settings
  • 21 Jul 2024
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Groups Module - Settings

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Article summary

Groups Module - Settings

As an Administrator, the Groups module contains advanced configuration options in the bottom of the Left Menu Items, under Settings.

Click the Settings icon to view the menu options.
Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 8.47.16 PM.png

General Settings
Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 8.48.47 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 8.48.59 PM.png

Field NameDescription
Maximum Number of Concurrent Role SyncsMaximum number of Groups to sync at one time. Default value is 5
Enable Role Auto SynchornizationDeprecated feature, replaced by individual Enable Auto Synchornization on each group
Enable Role Auto-ImportDeprecated feature in RapidIdentity Cloud
Maximum Number of Groups to ReturnThe maximum number of groups that will be returned by a search. The default is no value which is not limited.
Preload My GroupsDetermines if groups are loaded when a Groups tab is loaded or only when the search button is pressed.
Enable Wildcard (*) SearchesEnables or disables the ability to do wildcard searches in any section of Groups Module.
Access ControlThis is a module visibility ACL that specifies who has access to the Groups module. The administrator can select the module to be attribute-based, group-based, or have it accessible to all by selecting None. Only users who meet the ACL requirements are allowed to access the Groups module, in terms of being displayed and allowed to be utilized.
Allowed ActionsOptions checked here control the list of actions displayed when a Role is Selected in either the My Groups or Other Groups tab

Attributes allow administrators to define and assign additional RapidIdentity attributes for each Role.
Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 9.02.00 PM.png

Once clicking on Attributes from the Settings menu, click on Add Another Attribute.
Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 9.08.05 PM.png

  • Select an attribute from the drop-down list.

The attribute list will show values from the Global Attributes List

  • Enter a Display Name

  • Select all or some of the following:
    * Required
    * Show in List
    * Show in Details

  • Click Create

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