- 03 Jun 2022
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Groupwise Adapter Actions
- Updated on 03 Jun 2022
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GroupWise Adapter Actions
Add/Update a User, DistributionList, or Resource as Groupwise DistributionList member.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
distributionListDn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the DistributionList |
memberDn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the member to add/update |
participation | text, expression, variable | the participation type. 0 = To, 1 = CC, 2 = BC (default: 0) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
member1 = addGroupWiseDistributionListMember(sessionGW, "gwtestdl.groups.data", "gwtestuser.students.people", "0")
Open a connection to a RapidIdentity GroupWise Agent.
Property | Value | Description |
gwAgentURL* | text, expression, variable | the URL of the RapidIdentity GroupWise Agent (e.g. https://hostname:port/dssgwagent) |
adminDn | text, expression, variable | the dot format user DN used by the RapidIdentity GroupWise Agent (e.g. admin.novell) |
password | password, string, expression, variable | the password for adminDn |
options | expression, variable | A record or JavaScript object with a field for each additional option. Currently defined fields are connectTimeout and socketTime which require a numeric value from 1 to 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF) that represents the number of milliseconds for the timeout, and 0 representing no timeout. |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
global.gwUser = "admin.idauto"
global.gwpassword = <Password>
global.gwDomain = "pridom"
global.gwPO = "PO1"
global.gwAgentURL = ""
sessionGW = defineGroupWiseAgentConnection(global.gwAgentURL, global.gwUser,<Password>)
Delete a Groupwise DistributionList Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
dn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the DistributionList |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
deleteGroupWiseDistributionList(sessionGW, "gwtestdl.groups.data")
Delete a Groupwise Nickname Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
name* | text, expression, variable | the Nickname |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
deleted = deleteGroupWiseNickname(sessionGW, "gwtestnickname")
Delete a Groupwise Resource Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
dn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the Resource |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
deleted = deleteGroupWiseResource(sessionGW, "gwtestresource.resources.data")
Delete a Groupwise User Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
dn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the User |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
deleteGroupWiseUser(sessionGW, ""gwtestuser.students.people")
Get an existing Groupwise DistributionList Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
dn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the DistributionList |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
list = getGroupWiseDistributionList(sessionGW, "gwtestdl.groups.data")
Get Groupwise DistributionList Records.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
lists = getGroupWiseDistributionLists(sessionGW)
Get an existing Groupwise Nickname Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
name* | text, expression, variable | the Nickname |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
nick = getGroupWiseNickname(sessionGW, "gwtestnickname")
Get Groupwise Nickname Records.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
nicks = getGroupWiseNicknames(sessionGW)
Get an existing Groupwise Resource Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
dn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the Resource |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
resource = getGroupWiseResource(sessionGW, "gwtestresource.resources.data")
Get Groupwise Resource Records.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
resources = getGroupWiseResources(sessionGW)
Get an existing Groupwise User Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
dn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the User |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
user = getGroupWiseUser(sessionGW, "gwtestuser.students.people");
Get Groupwise User Records.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
users = getGroupWiseUsers(sessionGW)
Move a GroupWise DistributionList to a different eDirectory container.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
distributionListDn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the DistributionList |
containerDn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the destination container |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
moved = moveGroupWiseDistributionListDn(sessionGW, "gwtestdl.groups.data", "othergroups.data")
Move a GroupWise Resource to a different eDirectory container.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
resourceDn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the Resource |
containerDn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the destination container |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
moved = moveGroupWiseResourceDn(sessionGW, "gwtestresource.resources.data", "otherresources.data")
Move a GroupWise User to a different eDirectory container.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
userDn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the User |
containerDn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the destination container |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
moved = moveGroupWiseUserDn(sessionGW, "gwtestuser.students.people", "staff.people")
Reattach a renamed eDirectory User to its corresponding GroupWise User.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
dn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the User |
reattachGroupWiseUser(sessionGW, "gwtestuser.students.people")
Remove a User, DistributionList, or Resource from a Groupwise DistributionList.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
distributionListDn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the DistributionList |
memberDn* | text, expression, variable | the dot format DN of the member to remove |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
removed = removeGroupWiseDistributionListMember(sessionGW, "gwtestdl.groups.data", "gwtestuser.students.people")
Save a Groupwise DistributionList Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
record* | expression, variable | the Groupwise DistributionList Record to save |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
dl = createRecord(false)
setRecordFieldValue(dl, "DistinguishedName", "gwtestdl.groups.data")
setRecordFieldValue(dl, "Name", "gwtestdl")
setRecordFieldValue(dl, "Domain", Global.gwDomain)
setRecordFieldValue(dl, "PostOffice", Global.gwPO)
newDL = saveGroupWiseDistributionList(sessionGW, dl)
Save a Groupwise Nickname Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
record* | expression, variable | the Groupwise Nickname Record to save |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
nickname = createRecord(false)
setRecordFieldValue(nickname, "Name", "gwtestnickname")
setRecordFieldValue(nickname, "Owner", "gwtestuser.students.people")
setRecordFieldValue(nickname, "Domain", Global.gwDomain)
setRecordFieldValue(nickname, "PostOffice", Global.gwPO)
newNickname = saveGroupWiseNickname(sessionGW, nickname)
Save a Groupwise Resource Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
record* | expression, variable | the Groupwise Resource Record to save |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
resource = createRecord(false)
setRecordFieldValue(resource, "DistinguishedName", "gwtestresource.resources.data")
setRecordFieldValue(resource, "Name", "gwtestresource")
setRecordFieldValue(resource, "Owner", "gwtestuser.students.people")
setRecordFieldValue(resource, "Domain", Global.gwDomain)
setRecordFieldValue(resource, "PostOffice", Global.gwPO)
resource1 = saveGroupWiseResource(sessionGW, resource)
Save a Groupwise User Record.
Property | Value | Description |
gwConnection* | expression, variable | the GroupWise Agent connection |
record* | expression, variable | the Groupwise User Record to save |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
recordGW = createRecord(, )
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "DistinguishedName", "gwtestuser.students.people")
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "DisableLogin", false)
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "MailboxExpDate", "0")
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "Visibility", "2")
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "Name", "gwtestuser")
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "PostOffice", global.gwPO)
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "Password",<Password>)
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "Domain", global.gwDomain)
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "PrefEmailId", "gwtestuser")
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "GivenName", "user")
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "Surname", "gwtest")
setRecordFieldValue(recordGW, "Title", "The Big Cheese")
gwResult = saveGroupWiseUser(sessionGW, recordGW)
Supported GroupWise Record Fields
Field | Used by | Read-Only | Description |
AccountID | User | N | String |
AddressFormat | User | N | String (GroupWise 7.0 SP3 and later) |
AllowedAddressFormat | User | N | String (GroupWise 7.0 SP3 and later) |
Department | User | N | String |
Description | User,DistributionList,Resource,Nickname | N | String |
DisableLogin | User | N | Boolean (GroupWise 7.0 SP3 and later) |
DistinguishedName | User,DistributionList,Resource,Nickname | N | String (dot format dn) (Required for both create and update) |
DistributionList | DLMember | Y | String (dot format dn) (Required for create) |
Domain | User,DistributionList,Resource,Nickname | N | String |
External | User | Y | Boolean - true if an external user |
ExternalEntity | User | Y | Boolean - true if an external entity |
FaxNumber | User | N | String |
GatewayAccess | User | N | String |
GivenName | User | N | String |
InternetDomainName | User | N | String (GroupWise 7.0 SP3 and later) |
InternetDomainNameExclusive | User | N | String (GroupWise 7.0 SP3 and later) |
LastClientType | User | Y | String (GroupWise 8.0 and later) |
LastModifiedBy | User,DistributionList,Resource,Nickname | Y | String |
LDAPAuthentication | User | N | String (GroupWise 7.0 SP3 and later) |
MailboxExpDate | User | N | Date (milliseconds since Midnight Jan 1, 1970) |
MailboxID | User,Resource | Y | String |
MailboxLastLoginDate | User | N | Date (milliseconds since Midnight Jan 1, 1970) |
MailboxSize | User | N | Long (GroupWise 8.0 and later) |
Member | DLMember | Y | String (dot format dn) (Required for create) |
MemberOf | User,DistributionList,Resource,Nickname | N | Array of DLMember Records |
MemberType | DLMember | Y | DistributionList=2,Nickname=3,Resource=5,User=6 |
Membership | DistributionList | Y | Array of DLMember Records |
Name | User,DistributionList,Resource,Nickname | N | String (Required for create) |
NetID | User | N | String |
Nicknames | User,DistributionList,Resource | Y | String |
ObjectID | User,DistributionList,Resource | Y | String |
Owner | Resource,Nickname | Y | String |
OwnerType | Resource,Nickname | Y | DistributionList=0,User=1,None=2 |
Participation | DLMember | Y | To=0,CC=1,BC=2 |
Password | User | N | String (write-only) (Required for create) |
PhoneNumber | User | N | String |
PostOffice | User,DistributionList,Resource,Nickname | Y | String (Required for create) |
PrefEMailID | User | N | String (GroupWise 7.0 SP3 and later) |
ResourceType | Resource | Y | Place=4,Resource=5 |
Resources | User | Y | Array of String |
Surname | User | N | String (Required for create) |
Title | User | N | String |
Visibility | User,DistributionList,Resource,Nickname | N | PostOffice=1,System=2,Domain=3,None=4 |