Mappings, Matching and Event Governance
  • 03 Jun 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Mappings, Matching and Event Governance

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Article summary

Studio Mappings, Matching and Event Governance

This article contains high-level background on Studio Record & Field Mappings in the context of matching and event governance.


Record mappings (along with their associated field mappings) tell Studio how to construct a target type record B given a source type record A.


Studio matches the ( A , B ) pair based on equivalence of the special recordKey field. That is, the field mappings for the target field recordKey govern matching.

Source Events

All field mappings are associated with one to three source events. These events include:

On Create (read: source record created)

  • This is when A exists, but we can't find a matching record B in the target namespace/type.

    • That is, from Studio’s perspective, A has just been newly created.
  • When this occurs, Studio will construct such a record B by applying the On Create field mappings to A.

    • Only fields governed by an On Create field mapping will actually be created.

On Delete (read: source record missing or deleted)

  • This is when B exists, but we can't find a matching record A in the source namespace/type.

    • That is, from Studio’s perspective, A has been deleted.
  • When this occurs, Studio will apply the On Delete field mappings to B to update it as needed.

    • Only fields governed by an On Delete field mapping will actually be subject to change. Studio will not modify any other fields but those governed by On Delete field mappings.
  • If desired, we can delete B from the database. This is only done if there is a field mapping for the target field recordStatus that returns the value delete

    Side Note:

    This is not specific to the On Delete field mappings; you could decide to delete records in any case based on logic that you implement. All you have to do is map this special value for recordStatus. That said, the most frequent use case would be with an On Delete field mapping.

On Update (read: source Record potentially updated)

  • This is when both A and B exist (i.e. we found a match).

    • That is, from Studio’s perspective, A may have been updated.

      • We can’t know until we apply the update mappings to detect if any particular fields governed by the update mappings have actually changed → if any have, then we actually push the update out to B.
  • When this occurs, Studio will apply the On Update field mappings with the data from A and B to modify B.

    • Only fields governed by an On Update field mapping will actually be subject to change. Studio will not modify any other fields but those governed by On Update field mappings.

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