- 03 Jun 2022
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Notes Adapter Actions
- Updated on 03 Jun 2022
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Notes Adapter Actions
Enter a request in the Administration Requests database to delete a Notes Group.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
name* | text, expression, variable | the name of the Group to delete |
immediate | boolean, expression, variable | delete Group from Domino Directory immediately (default: false) |
deleteWindowsGroup | boolean, expression, variable | also delete the corresponding Windows Group (default: false) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
deleted = adminpDeleteNotesGroup(sessionNotes, "cn=server1/o=org",
"MyGroup", true)
Enter a request in the Administration Requests database to delete a Notes User.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
name* | text, expression, variable | the full hierarchical name of the Notes User to delete |
immediate | boolean, expression, variable | delete Notes User from Domino Directory immediately (default: false) |
mailFileAction* | choice (DELETE_ALL, DELETE_HOME, DELETE_NONE), text, expression, variable | disposition of the Notes User's mail file |
denyGroup | text, expression, variable | name of an existing deny access group to which the name of the Notes User is added (default: none) |
deleteWindowsUser | boolean, expression, variable | also delete the corresponding Windows User (default: false) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
deleted = adminpDeleteNotesUser(sessionNotes, "cn=server1/o=org",
"John Doe", true, "DELETE_HOME", false)
Enter a request in the Administration Requests database to move a Notes User's mail file.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
username* | text, expression, variable | the full hierarchical name of the Notes User to be moved |
newHomeServer* | text, expression, variable | the name of the new home mail server |
newHomeServerMailPath* | text, expression, variable | the path of the mail file on the new home mail server |
useSCOS | boolean, expression, variable | the new mail file makes use of the shared mail feature (default: false) |
newClusterReplicas | expression, variable | array of cluster replica server names and paths (e.g. [server1, server1Path, ....]) |
deleteOldClusterReplicas | boolean, expression, variable | delete old cluster replicas (default: false) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
result = adminpMoveNotesMailUser(sessionNotes, "cn=server1/o=org",
"John Doe", "cn=server2/o=org", "/local/notesdata/jdoe.id",
false, false, false)
Enter a request in the Administration Requests database to move a Notes User's roaming files to another server.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
username* | text, expression, variable | the full hierarchical name of the Notes User to be moved |
newServer* | text, expression, variable | the new roaming server |
newServerSubdir* | text, expression, variable | the new path on the roaming server |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
status = adminpMoveNotesRoamingUser(sessionNotes,
"cn=server1/o=org", "John Doe", "cn=server2/o=org",
Enter requests in the Administration Requests database to move and optionally rename a Notes User's name in the hierarchy.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
username* | text, expression, variable | the current full hierarchical name of the Notes User to be moved |
oldCertifier* | expression, variable | the current Certifier (defined with defineNotesCertifier) |
newCertifier* | expression, variable | the new Certifier (defined with defineNotesCertifier) |
newLastName | text, expression, variable | the new last name if Notes User is also to be renamed (default: no change) |
newFirstName | text, expression, variable | the new first name if Notes User is also to be renamed (default: no change) |
newMiddleInitial | text, expression, variable | the new middle initial if Notes User is also to be renamed (default: no change) |
newOrgUnit | text, expression, variable | the new org unit if Notes User is also to be renamed (default: no change) |
newAltCommonName | text, expression, variable | the new alternate common name if Notes User is also to be renamed (default: no change) |
newAltOrgUnit | text, expression, variable | the new alternate org unit if Notes User is also to be renamed (default: no change) |
newAltLanguage | text, expression, variable | the new alternate language if Notes User is also to be renamed (default: no change) |
renameWindowsUser | boolean, expression, variable | also rename the corresponding Windows Notes User (default: false) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
status = adminpMoveNotesUserInHierarchy(sessionNotes,
"cn=server1/o=org", "John Doe", cert1, cert2, "movetest")
Enter a request in the Administration Requests database to recertify a Notes User.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
username* | text, expression, variable | the full hierarchical name of the Notes User to be recertified |
certifier* | expression, variable | the Certifier (defined with defineNotesCertifier) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
status = adminpRecertifyNotesUser(sessionNotes, "cn=server1/o=org",
"John Doe", cert1)
Enter a request in the Administration Requests database to rename a Notes Group.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
oldName* | text, expression, variable | the current Notes Group name |
newName* | text, expression, variable | the new Notes Group name |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
status = adminpRenameNotesGroup(sessionNotes, "cn=server1/o=org",
"MyGroup, "YourGroup")
Enter a request in the Administration Requests database to rename a Notes User.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
username* | text, expression, variable | the current full hierarchical name of the Notes User to be renamed |
certifier* | expression, variable | the Certifier (defined with defineNotesCertifier) |
newLastName | text, expression, variable | the new last name (default: no change) |
newFirstName | text, expression, variable | the new first name (default: no change) |
newMiddleInitial | text, expression, variable | the new middle initial (default: no change) |
newOrgUnit | text, expression, variable | the new org unit (default: no change) |
newAltCommonName | text, expression, variable | the new alternate common name (default: no change) |
newAltOrgUnit | text, expression, variable | the new alternate org unit (default: no change) |
newAltLanguage | text, expression, variable | the new alternate language (default: no change) |
renameWindowsUser | boolean, expression, variable | also rename corresponding Windows User (default: false) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
status = adminpRenameNotesUser(sessionNotes, "cn=server1/o=org",
"John Doe", cert1, "Doh", "Jack")
Enter a request in the Administration Requests database to rename a Notes Web User.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
username* | text, expression, variable | the current full hierarchical name of the Notes User to be renamed |
newFullName | text, expression, variable | the new full hierarchical name (default: no change) |
newLastName | text, expression, variable | the new last name (default: no change) |
newFirstName | text, expression, variable | the new first name (default: no change) |
newMiddleInitial | text, expression, variable | the new middle initial (default: no change) |
newShortName | text, expression, variable | the new short name (default: no change) |
newInternetAddress | text, expression, variable | the new internet address (default: no change) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
status = adminpRenameNotesWebUser(sessionNotes, "cn=server1/o=org",
"John Doe", "Jack Doh", "Doh", "Jack")
Enter a request in the Administration Requests database to change the password management settings of a Notes User.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
username* | text, expression, variable | the full hierarchical name of the Notes User to be renamed |
notesPasswordCheckSetting | choice(CHECK,DONTCHECK,LOCKOUT), text, expression, variable | the check password setting (default: no change) |
notesPasswordChangeInterval | expression, variable | the password change required interval (default: no change) |
notesPasswordGracePeriod | expression, variable | the password change grace period (default: no change) |
internetPasswordForceChange | boolean, expression, variable | force the user to change the password on next login (default: no change) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
status = adminpSetNotesUserPasswordSettings(sessionNotes,
"cn=server1/o=org", "John Doe", ""LOCKOUT")
Enter a request in the Administration Requests database to upgrade a Notes User from a flat ID to a hierarchical ID.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
adminpServer | text, expression, variable | the name of the server hosting the AdminP process (default: the agent server) |
username* | text, expression, variable | current username |
certifier* | expression, variable | the Certifier (defined with defineNotesCertifier) |
newOrgUnit | text, expression, variable | the new org unit |
newAltCommonName | text, expression, variable | the new alternate common name |
newAltOrgUnit | text, expression, variable | the new alternate org unit |
newAltLanguage | text, expression, variable | the new alternate language |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
status = adminpUpgradeNotesUserToHierarchical(sessionNotes,
"cn=server1/o=org", "John Doe", cert1)
Build a notes FullName.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
certifier* | expression, variable | the Certifier (defined with defineNotesCertifier) |
lastName* | text, expression, variable | the last name |
firstName | text, expression, variable | the first name |
middleInitial | text, expression, variable | the middle initial |
ou | text, expression, variable | additional OU beyond the certifier |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
fullName = buildNotesFullName(sessionNotes, cert1, "Doe", "John")
Compare the HTTPPassword field for a Notes Record.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
db* | text, expression, variable | the database name |
unid* | text, expression, variable | the UNID of the record |
password* | password, string, expression, variable | the password |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
passwordsEqual = compareNotesHTTPPassword(sessionNotes, "names",
userRecord['@UNID'], <Password>)
Define a connection to a Notes Agent.
Property | Value | Description |
host* | text, expression, variable | the host name or ip address of the Domino server hosting the RapidIdentity Notes Agent |
port | expression, variable | the https port of the Domino server hosting the RapidIdentity Notes Agent (default: 443) |
adminUser* | text, expression, variable | the login name of Notes administrative User |
password* | password, string, expression, variable | the password for adminUser |
options | expression, variable | A record or JavaScript object with a field for each additional option. Currently defined fields are connectTimeout and socketTime which require a numeric value from 1 to 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF) that represents the number of milliseconds for the timeout, and 0 representing no timeout. |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
Global.notesAgentServer = "mynotesserver"
Global.notesAdminUser = "administrator"
Global.notesAdminPwd = <Password>
sessionNotes = defineNotesAgentConnection(Global.notesAgentServer,
Define Notes certifier.
Property | Value | Description |
certifierName* | text, expression, variable | the name of the notes certifier (e.g. o=myorg) |
certifierIDFile | text, expression, variable | the full path on the agent server of idfile for the notes certifier (default: none, use Certificate Authority instead) |
certifierPassword | password, string, expression, variable | the password for certifierIDFile (default: none) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
cert0 = defineNotesCertifier("o=org", "/local/notesdata/org.id",
cert1 = defineNotesCertifier("ou=orgunit1/o=org",
cert2 = defineNotesCertifier("ou=orgunit2/o=org",
Delete an existing Notes Record.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
db* | text, expression, variable | the database name |
unid* | text, expression, variable | the UNID of the record |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
status = deleteNotesRecord(sessionNotes, "mytestdb", record['@UNID'])
Get an existing Notes Record.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
db* | text, expression, variable | the database name |
unid* | text, expression, variable | the UNID of the record |
attributes | text, expression, variable | comma separated list of attributes to return (default: none) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
group = getNotesRecord(sessionNotes, "names", record['@UNID'], "+")
Get Notes Records.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
db* | text, expression, variable | the database name |
filter | text, expression, variable | the search filter formula (default: all records) |
maxResults | expression, variable | maximum number of Records to return (default: the server maximum) |
attributes | text, expression, variable | comma separated list of attributes to return (default: none) |
since | expression, variable | Date object - return only records created or modified since (default: none) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
people = getNotesRecords(sessionNotes, "names", 'Type="Person"', 5)
Parse a Notes name.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
name* | text, expression, variable | the name to parse |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
parsedUsernameRecord = parseNotesName(sessionNotes, username)
Registers a new Notes User.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
record* | expression, variable | Record containing the registration properties |
certifier* | expression, variable | the Certifier (defined with defineNotesCertifier) |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
userTemplate = createRecord()
setRecordFieldValue(userTemplate, "FirstName", "John")
setRecordFieldValue(userTemplate, "LastName", "Doe")
setRecordFieldValue(userTemplate, "IdFile", "/local/notesdata/JohnDoe.id")
setRecordFieldValue(userTemplate, "Password",<Password>)
setRecordFieldValue(userTemplate, "MailServer", "cn=server1/o=org")
setRecordFieldValue(userTemplate, "MailDBPath", "mail/JohnDoe")
setRecordFieldValue(userTemplate, "MailSystem", 1)
user1 = registerNewNotesUser(sessionNotes, userTemplate, cert1)
Create or update a Notes Record.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
db* | text, expression, variable | the database name |
record* | expression, variable | the Record to save |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
groupTemplate = createRecord()
setRecordFieldValue(groupTemplate, "ListName", "Group1")
setRecordFieldValue(groupTemplate, "Type", "Group")
setRecordFieldValue(groupTemplate, "Form", "Group")
setRecordFieldValue(groupTemplate, "LocalAdmin", "LocalDomainAdmins")
setRecordFieldValue(groupTemplate, "Members", username1)
addRecordFieldValue(groupTemplate, "Members", username2, true)
group = saveNotesRecord(sessionNotes, "names", groupTemplate)
Send a console command to a Domino server.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
server | text, expression, variable | the name of the target server |
cmd* | text, expression, variable | the console command |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
sent = sendNotesConsoleCommand(sessionNotes, "tell adminp process all")
Set the HTTPPassword field for a Notes Record.
Property | Value | Description |
notesConnection* | expression, variable | the Notes Agent connection |
db* | text, expression, variable | the database name |
unid* | text, expression, variable | the UNID of the record |
password* | password, string, expression, variable | the password |
returnVariable | expression, variable | name of the variable to be assigned to the return value |
passwordSet = setNotesHTTPPassword(sessionNotes, "names",
Implementation Notes: Records, Fields, and Forms
Notes databases do not have a fixed schema, but rather any record can have pretty much any field that conforms to the field naming restrictions imposed by Notes. Fields that start with $ are usually considered reserved or system fields and the adapter currently treats them as read-only. Each record also has metadata that is not stored as a field in the database and are available as read-only on any record. This metadata is represented in the adapter as fields that start with @.
Name | Type | Description |
@UNID | String | The Universal ID of the record |
@CREATED | Date | The creation timestamp |
@MODIFIED | Date | The modification timestamp |
@AUTHORS | String(s) | Names of those who have edited the record |
The @UNID field will be included in all records returned by getNotesRecord() and getNotesRecords(). The other @ fields will only be returned if explicitly specified the attribute list or the attribute list is “+”. When calling saveNotesRecord(), a record that contains @UNID will be considered to be an update, whereas one without @UNID will create a new record in the database.
When searching using getNotesRecords(), you may specify a filter expression using Notes Formula Language, which is similar to the expressions used in Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets and provides very powerful selection capabilities.
While any record can have pretty much any field, the Form field associates the record with a Notes form definition which includes a predefined set of fields and rules for what can or must in each defined field. A database can also have a default form that applies to records that don't have an explicitly specified Form. Whenever the adapter saves a record, it asks Notes to apply any applicable form validation before it saves the record. In this respect a form definition can be thought of a kind of schema. As part of that validation, Notes may add fields, changes fields, or reject the save altogether if any validation requirements are not met. The easiest way to get a list of the fields that a form supports is to open a record that uses the given form in Notes or Domino Administrator, right click on the record, select Document Properties, and then select the second tab of the little dialog that pops up. Another way would be to use getNotesRecords() with filter = 'Form = “xxx”' and maxResults = 1 and log the results.
Users and Groups
In Notes, Users and Groups live in what is known both as the Domino Directory and the Public Address Book, which is a database usually called “names”.
A User is associated with the Person form and has an associate ID file, and usually an associated mail file. While it a possible to create a Person record directly using saveNotesRecord(), in order to create a User (as opposed to e.g. a contact), you must use registerNewNotesUser(), which can also create and certify the User's ID file, and optionally create the User's mail file. There are also several operations on Users, such as rename, move, delete, etc., that must be performed via the adminpXXX() family of actions. Failure to do so will result in inconsistencies in Notes.
A Group is associated with the Group form. Unlike Users, Groups are created directly using saveNotesRecord(), but like Users, renaming and deleting groups must be performed via the adminpXXX() family of actions. Failure to do so will result in inconsistencies in Notes.
Fields for registerNewNotesUser() Record
Name | Type | Description |
AltFullName | String | (default: none) An alternate User name |
AltFullNameLanguage | String | (default: none) The language for the alternate User name |
AltOrgUnit | String(s) | (default: none) Alternate name(s) for the organizational unit to use when creating ID files |
AltOrgUnitLang | String(s) | (default: none) Languages associated with the alternate name(s) for the organizational unit to use when creating ID files |
CreateMailDBInBackground | Boolean | (default: false) Create mail database in the background (via AdminP) |
EnforceUniqueShortName | Boolean | (default: true) Indicates whether a short name must be unique |
Expiration | Date | (default: system default) The expiration date to use when creating ID file |
FirstName | String | (default: blank) A first name for the User |
ForeignDN | String | (default: none) A foreign DN for the User |
ForwardDomain | String | (default: none) The forwarding domain for the user's mail file |
FullName | String | (default: calculated from other fields) |
GroupList | String(s) | (default: none) The Groups(s) to which the User is assigned during registration |
IDType | Number | (default: 173) The type of ID file to create 171 → FLAT, 172 → HIERARCHICAL, 173 → SAME AS CERTIFIER |
IdFile | String | (default: none) The ID file to be created; specify the complete path, for example, c:\notes\data\user.id |
LastName | String | (default: blank) A last name for the User to be registered |
Location | String | (default: none) A value for the location field in the Domino Directory record |
MailACLManager | String | (default: none) A name that is assigned Manager access in the mail database ACL |
MailCreateFTIndex | Boolean | (default: false) Indicates the creation of a full-text index for the mail database |
MailDBPath | String | (default: none) The path of the User's mail file relative to the data directory, e.g. “mail\jones.nsf” |
MailInternetAddress | String | (default: blank) The user's Internet name for sending and receiving mail |
MailOwnerAccess | Number | (default: 0) The mail database ACL setting for the owner 0 → Manager, 1 → Designer, 2 → Editor |
MailQuotaSizeLimit | Number | (default: no limit) The maximum size of the user's mail database, in megabytes. |
MailQuotaWarningThreshold | Number | (default: no limit) The size, in megabytes, at which the user's mail database issues a warning that it is getting too large |
MailReplicaServers | String(s) | (default: none) The names of servers to which the mail database will replicate. |
MailServer | String | (default: none) The canonical name of the server containing the User's mail file |
MailSystem | String | (default: 0) The user's mail system 0 → Notes, 1 → POP, 2 → IMAP, 3 → INotes, 4→ Internet, 5 → Other, 6 → None |
MailTemplateName | String | (default: system default) The name of the template for the design of the mail file |
MiddleInitial | String | (default: blank) A middle initial for the User |
MinPasswordLength | Number | (default: system default) The strength assigned to a password in an ID file |
NorthAmerican | Boolean | (default: system default) Indicates whether an ID file is North American |
OrgUnit | String | (default: none) The organizational unit to use when creating ID file |
Password | String | (default: none) Password for the user ID file |
PolicyName | String | (default: none) The name of an explicit policy |
PublicKeySize | Number | (default: system default) Size of the public key when creating ID file 630, 1024, 2048 |
RegistrationLog | String | (default: “certlog.nsf”) The log file to use when creating ID |
RegistrationServer | String | (default: the agent server) The server to use when creating ID and performing other registration functions |
RoamingCleanupPeriod | Number | (default: none) The interval in days for cleaning up data on Notes clients set up for roaming users - only needed when RoamingCleanupSetting == 1 |
RoamingCleanupSetting | String | (default: 0) Indicates the clean-up process for data on Notes clients set up for roaming users 0 → NEVER, 1 → EVERY_NDAYS, 2 → AT_SHUTDOWN, 3 → PROMPT |
RoamingServer | String | (default: none) The server on which the user's roaming data is stored |
RoamingSubdir | String | (default: none) The subdirectory that contains the user's roaming data |
RoamingUser | Boolean | (default: false) Indicates whether a user is a roaming user |
ShortName | String | (default: calculated from other fields) The short name when creating user ID |
StoreIDInAddressBook | Boolean | (default: true) Indicates whether the ID file is stored in the Address Boook |
StoreIDInMailFile | Boolean | (default: false) Indicates whether the ID file is stored in the user's mail file |
SynchInternetPassword | Boolean | (default: true) Synchronizes the user's Internet password with the password for the Notes client ID. |
UpdateAddressBook | Boolean | (default: true) Indicates whether an ID document in the Domino Directory is created when the ID file is created |
The Administration Process (AdminP) is a facility that runs on the Domino Server and handles complex tasks that involve possibly many steps, such as moving, renaming, or deleting Users and Groups. These tasks are considered complex because them may involve fixing up or removing references to the User or Group across the Notes infrastructure as well as performing tasks outside of the database such as deleting or moving other files. You make requests to AdminP via one of the actions prefixed with adminP.
Unlike direct Record access, requests to AdminP expect Users and Groups to be identified by name rather than by @UNID. The name for a User can be found as the first value of the FullName field and the name for a Group can be found as the first value of the ListName field.
Requests to AdminP are processed asynchronously after the action returns, so subsequent operations on the User or Group usually will need to be delayed until AdminP has finished processing the request. AdminP normally only wakes up periodically to process its queue of requests, but you can use a console command to tell AdminP to process new requests immediately:
sendNotesConsoleCommand("tell adminp process new")
Note that many requests happen in multiple phases so waking up AdminP may only start the first step of the process, with each subsequent step happening one at a time each time adminp runs through its queue.