- 10 Feb 2025
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RapidIdentity Cloud Directory Schema
- Updated on 10 Feb 2025
- 12 Minutes to read
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RapidIdentity Cloud Metadirectory Schema
The directory schema for RapidIdentity Cloud provides a set of rules that define the data elements to be stored and used by RapidIdentity.
To ensure consistency and continuity between RapidIdentity software releases, Identity Automation maintains a comprehensive change management process for the RapidIdentity Cloud Metadirectory. All proposed changes are reviewed by the Directory Change Control Board on a periodic basis and evaluated based on a myriad of factors including but not limited to the business justification and resulting impact associated with the proposed change.
As an integral component of the RapidIdentity System, proposed changes to the RapidIdentity Cloud Metadirectory are considered to be a new feature or a feature enhancement and submitted as Product Ideas via the Identity Automation Support Community. Idea submissions are evaluated on a periodic basis and approved based product fit, alignment with product strategy and customer and market demand.
- All account entries must be put directly under
. - All LDAP entries MUST contain
, a uniqueidautoID
value and at least one uniqueidautoPersonUserNameMV
value. - The DN for all accounts must look like
Core Attributes
Attribute Name | Friendly Name | DataType | Multi-Valued | Unique | Indexes | Description / Constraints |
idautoID | ID | UUID | N | Y | eq |
idautoPersonUserNameMV | Usernames | String | Y | Y | eq, sub |
givenName | First Name | String | N | N | eq, sub |
sn | Last Name | String | N | N | eq, sub |
displayName | Display Name | String | N | N | eq, sub |
String | N | Y | eq, sub |
| ||
idautoPersonEmailAddresses | Email Addresses | String | Y | Y | eq, sub |
idautoPersonHomeEmail | Personal Email Address | String | N | Y | eq, sub |
idautoDisabled | - | Boolean | N | N | eq |
userPassword | - | Binary | N | N | - |
idauto-pwdPrivate | - | Binary | N | N | - |
idauto-pwdPrivateTS | - | DateTime | N | N | eq |
idautoPersonPhotoURL | Photo URL | String | N | N | - |
mobile | Mobile Numbers | String | Y | N | - |
manager | Manager | DN | Y | N | eq |
directReports | - | DN | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonEndDate | Expiration Date | DateTime | N | N | eq |
employeeType | Role | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoChallengeSet | - | String | Y | N | - |
idautoChallengeSetTimestamp | - | DateTime | N | N | - |
idautoRequestAssociations | - | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonClaimCode | Claim Code | String | N | N | eq |
idautoPersonClaimFlag | Claimed | Boolean | N | N | - |
memberOf | DN | Y | N |
Profile Attributes
None of these attributes have a unique constraint.Attribute Name | Friendly Name | Data Type | Multi-Valued | Indexes | Description / Constraints |
l | City | String | Y | eq, sub |
st | State | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoPersonCountry | Country | String | Y | - |
idautoPersonStreetAddress | Street Address | String | Y | - |
postalCode | Postal Code | String | Y | - |
idautoPersonMiddleName | Middle Name | String | N | - |
idautoPersonOfficePhone | Office Phone | String | N | - |
idautoPersonPhoneExtension | Phone Extension | String | N | - |
idautoPersonHomePhone | Home Phone | String | N | - |
idautoPersonBirthdate | Birthdate | Date | N | - |
idautoPersonTermDate | Source Termination DateLast Enroll Date | Date | N | - |
idautoPersonGraduationDate | Graduation Date | Date | N | - |
idautoPersonEmployeeTypes | Employee Types | String | Y | eq |
idautoPersonDeptCodes | Department Codes | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoPersonDeptCode | Primary Department Code | String | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonDeptDescrs | Departments | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoPersonDeptDescr | Department | String | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonLocCodes | Location Codes | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoPersonLocCode | Primary Location Code | String | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonLocNames | Locations | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoPersonLocName | Primary Location | String | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonJobCodes | Job Codes | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoPersonJobCode | Job Code | String | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonJobTitles | Job Titles | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoPersonJobTitle | Job Title | String | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonAffiliations | Affiliations | String | Y | eq,sub |
idautoPersonAffiliation | Primary Affiliation | String | N | eq,sub |
idautoPersonGender | Gender | String | N | - |
idautoPersonPronouns | Pronouns | String | Y | - |
idautoPersonProfileUrl | Profile Url | String | N | - |
idautoPersonADProfilePath | AD Profile Path | String | N | - |
idautoPersonBadgeIDs | Badge IDs | String | Y | - |
idautoPersonEnrollDate | Student Enrollment Date | Date | N | eq |
idautoPersonStartDate | Student Start Date | DateTime | N | eq |
idautoPersonStaffStartDate | Staff Start Date | DateTime | N | eq |
idautoPersonStaffEndDate | Staff End Date | DateTime | N | eq |
idautoPersonStaffAccessTermDate | Staff Access Termination Date | DateTime | N | eq |
idautoPersonStaffLastDateWorked | Staff Last Date Worked | DateTime | N | eq |
idautoPersonContractStartDate | Contractor Start Date | DateTime | N | eq |
idautoPersonContractEndDate | Contractor End Date | DateTime | N | eq |
idautoPersonContractAccessTermDate | Contractor Access Termination Date | DateTime | N | eq |
idautoPersonContractLastDateWorked | Contractor Last Date Worked | DateTime | N | eq |
idautoPersonAllAccessTermDate | All access termination date | DateTime | N | - |
Education Attributes
None of these attributes have unique constraintsAttribute Name | Friendly Name | DataType | Multi-Valued | Indexes | Description / Constraints |
idautoPersonTeachers | Teachers | DN | Y | eq |
idautoPersonStudents | - | DN | Y | eq |
idautoPersonGradeLevel | Grade Level | String | Y | eq |
idautoPersonSchoolCodes | School Codes | String | Y | eq |
idautoPersonSchoolNames | School Names | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoPersonActivityCodes | Activity Codes | String | Y | - |
idautoPersonCourseIDs | Course IDs | String | Y | eq,sub |
idautoPersonCourseCodes | Course Codes | String | Y | eq,sub |
idautoPersonWorkStreetAddress | Work Street Address | Y | - |
| |
idautoPersonWorkCity | Work City | N | - |
| |
idautoPersonWorkState | Work State | N | - |
| |
idautoPersonWorkCountry | Work Country | N | - |
| |
idautoPersonWorkPostalCode | Work Postal Code | N | - |
| |
idautoPersonManagedOrgs | Managed Orgs | Y | - |
Special Attributes
None of these attributes are multi-valued or have unique constraintsAttribute Name | Friendly Name | DataType | Indexes | Description / Constraints |
idautoPersonStatusOverride | Override Source Status | Boolean | eq |
idautoPersonStatusOverrideReason | Override Source Status Reason | String | - |
idautoPersonStatusOverrideExpiration | Override Source Status Expiration | DateTime | - |
idautoPersonRenameUsername | Rename Username | String | - |
idautoPersonRenameOverride | Override Renames | Boolean | eq |
idautoPersonRenameFlagDate | Rename Date | Date | eq |
idautoPersonActivationDate | Activation Date | Date | - |
idautoPersonSourceStatus | Source System Status | String | - |
idautoPersonToSystem1 | Sync Person to System 1 | Boolean | - |
idautoPersonToSystem2 | Sync Person to System 2 | Boolean | - |
idautoPersonToSystem3 | Sync Person to System 3 | Boolean | - |
idautoPersonToSystem4 | Sync Person to System 4 | Boolean | - |
idautoPersonToSystem5 | Sync Person to System 5 | Boolean | - |
idautoPersonSafeIdCompromisedDate | Account Compromised Date | DateTime | pres |
amazon-ricloud-2022-03-01 Equality index changed to Presence index in version amazon-ricloud-2022-07-11 |
idautoPersonPreferredLanguage | Preferred Language | String | - |
idautoPersonPreferredLastName | Preferred Last Name | String | N |
idautoPersonPreferredName | Preferred Name | String | N |
idautoPersonPasswordSet | Password Set | Boolean | N |
idautoPersonSponsoredAccountStatus | - | String | N |
Other IDs
All of these attributes have a unique constraint.Attribute Name | Friendly Name | DataType | Multi-Valued | Indexes | Description / Constraints |
idautoPersonHRID | Employee ID | String | N | eq,sub |
amazon-ricloud-2022-03-01 |
idautoPersonStuID | Student ID | String | N | eq,sub |
amazon-ricloud-2022-03-01 |
idautoPersonPayrollID | Payroll ID | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonSystem1ID | System 1 ID | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonSystem2ID | System 2 ID | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonSystem3ID | System 3 ID | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonSystem4ID | System 4 ID | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonSystem5ID | System 5 ID | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonStateID | State ID | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonDistrictID | District ID | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonSchoolID | School ID | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonSAMAccountName | AD Username | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonPrevSAMAccountNames | Previous AD Usernames | String | Y | eq |
idautoPersonManagerID | Manager ID | String | N | eq |
idautoPersonNationalID | National ID | String | N | eq |
None of these attribute has a unique constraint.Attribute Name | Friendly Name | DataType | Multi-Valued | Unique | Indexes | Description / Constraints |
idautoPersonExt1 | Custom Attribute 1 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt2 | Custom Attribute 2 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt3 | Custom Attribute 3 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt4 | Custom Attribute 4 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt5 | Custom Attribute 5 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt6 | Custom Attribute 6 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt7 | Custom Attribute 7 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt8 | Custom Attribute 8 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt9 | Custom Attribute 9 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt10 | Custom Attribute 10 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt11 | Custom Attribute 11 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt12 | Custom Attribute 12 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt13 | Custom Attribute 13 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt14 | Custom Attribute 14 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt15 | Custom Attribute 15 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt16 | Custom Attribute 16 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt17 | Custom Attribute 17 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt18 | Custom Attribute 18 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt19 | Custom Attribute 19 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt20 | Custom Attribute 20 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt21 | Custom Attribute 21 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt22 | Custom Attribute 22 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt23 | Custom Attribute 23 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt24 | Custom Attribute 24 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExt25 | Custom Attribute 25 | String | Y | N | eq, sub |
idautoPersonExtBool1 | Custom Boolean Attribute 1 | Boolean | N | N | eq |
idautoPersonExtBool2 | Custom Boolean Attribute 2 | Boolean | N | N | eq |
idautoPersonExtBool3 | Custom Boolean Attribute 3 | Boolean | N | N | eq |
idautoPersonExtBool4 | Custom Boolean Attribute 4 | Boolean | N | N | eq |
idautoPersonExtBool5 | Custom Boolean Attribute 5 | Boolean | N | N | eq |
idautoPersonAppRoleFriendlyNames | App Role Friendly Names | String | Y | N | - |
idautoPersonAppRoles1 | Application 1 Roles | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonAppRoles2 | Application 2 Roles | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonAppRoles3 | Application 3 Roles | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonAppRoles4 | Application 4 Roles | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonAppRoles5 | Application 5 Roles | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonAppRoles6 | Application 6 Roles | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonAppRoles7 | Application 7 Roles | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonAppRoles8 | Application 8 Roles | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonAppRoles9 | Application 9 Roles | String | Y | N | eq |
idautoPersonAppRoles10 | Application 10 Roles | String | Y | N | eq |
- All account entries must be put directly under
. - All LDAP entries MUST contain
, a uniqueidautoID
value and a uniquecn
value. - The DN for all accounts must look like
idautoID=<idautoID value>,ou=Groups,dc=meta
Core Attributes
Attribute Name | Friendly Name | DataType | Multi-Valued | Unique | Indexes | Description / Constraints |
idautoID | ID | UUID | N | Y | eq |
cn | Group Name | String | N | Y | eq, sub |
description | Group Description | String | N | N | eq, sub |
member | - | DN | Y | N | eq |
idautoGroupOwners | - | DN | Y | N | eq |
idautoGroupCoOwners | - | DN | Y | N | eq |
idautoGroupCoOwnerEditable | - | Boolean | N | N | - |
idautoGroupIncludeFilter | - | String | N | N | - |
idautoGroupIncludeBaseDN | - | DN | N | N | - |
idautoGroupExcludeFilter | - | String | N | N | - |
idautoGroupExcludeBaseDN | - | DN | N | N | - |
idautoGroupStaticIncludes | - | DN | Y | N | eq |
idautoGroupStaticExcludes | - | DN | Y | N | eq |
idautoGroupSyncInterval | - | Integer | N | N | - |
idautoGroupLastSynced | - | DateTime | N | N | eq |
Special Attributes
Attribute Name | Friendly Name | DataType | Multi-Valued | Unique | Indexes | Description / Constraints |
idautoGroupEmailAddress | Group Email Address | String | N | Y | eq, sub |
idautoGroupEmailAliases | Group Email Aliases | String | Y | Y | eq, sub |
idautoGroupToSystem1 | Sync Group to System 1 | Boolean | N | N | - |
idautoGroupToSystem2 | Sync Group to System 2 | Boolean | N | N | - |
idautoGroupToSystem3 | Sync Group to System 3 | Boolean | N | N | - |
idautoGroupToSystem4 | Sync Group to System 4 | Boolean | N | N | - |
idautoGroupToSystem5 | Sync Group to System 5 | Boolean | N | N | - |
idautoGroupToSystem6 | Sync Group to System 6 | Boolean | N | N | - |
idautoGroupToSystem7 | Sync Group to System 7 | Boolean | N | N | - |
idautoGroupToSystem8 | Sync Group to System 8 | Boolean | N | N | - |
idautoGroupToSystem9 | Sync Group to System 9 | Boolean | N | N | - |
idautoGroupToSystem10 | Sync Group to System 10 | Boolean | N | N | - |
None of these attribute has a unique constraint.Attribute Name | Friendly Name | DataType | Multi-Valued | Indexes | Description / Constraints |
idautoGroupExt1 | Custom Group Attribute 1 | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoGroupExt2 | Custom Group Attribute 1 | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoGroupExt3 | Custom Group Attribute 1 | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoGroupExt4 | Custom Group Attribute 1 | String | Y | eq, sub |
idautoGroupExt5 | Custom Group Attribute 1 | String | Y | eq, sub |
- Read-only attributes not associated with any particular class but available on all.
Operational Attributes
Attribute Name | Friendly Name | DataType | Multi-Valued | Unique | Indexes | Description / Constraints |
memberOf | DN | Y | N |
| ||
entryDN | DN | N | N |
| ||
createTimestamp | DateTime | N | N |
| ||
modifyTimestamp | DateTime | N | N |
| ||
creatorsName | DN | N | N |
| ||
modifiersName | DN | N | N |
Updated on Mon Feb 10 2025 03:36:15 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)