RapidIdentity Google Chrome Browser Extension Update
  • 11 Sep 2024
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RapidIdentity Google Chrome Browser Extension Update

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Article summary

Chrome Browser Manifest V2 Deprecation

Google is phasing out their support for Manifest V2 in their Chrome Web Extensions and the Chrome Store indicates that browser extensions using Manifest V2 “will soon no longer be supported”.

(Google’s Announcement can be read here.)

The legacy RapidIdentity Chrome Browser Extension currently uses Manifest V2 and is identified in the Chrome Store as “will soon no longer be supported”.  Identity Automation is aware of Google’s pending deprecation of Manifest V2 and is currently working on an updated extension using the latest version of Manifest, as well as other enhancements. Once it is available in the Chrome Web Store, we will provide details on how to update your virtual environment to support this transition.

In the interim, we are recommending that districts deploying this extension via Google Workspace/Enterprise take the following steps to avoid any disruptions before the new extension is available.

Enterprises using the ExtensionManifestV2Availability policy to ensure the continued functioning of Manifest V2 extensions in their organization will have one additional year - until June 2025 - to migrate the Manifest V2 extensions in their organization. Browsers with the policy enabled won't be impacted by the rollout of the deprecation until that time.

Please reach out to RapidIdentity Support to address any questions or concerns regarding this transition.

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