Release 2023.0.1-hotfix1 What's New
  • 09 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Release 2023.0.1-hotfix1 What's New

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Article summary

This document is intended to provide you with the information and details about the important changes in the 2023.0.1-hotfix1 release of RapidIdentity LTS.

Enhancement for Additional Information Displayed on Request Approval Task Card

This enhancement builds upon the additional details visible to provide approvers the information necessary to approve or deny the request without opening the request details. This hotfix includes an improvement of the RegEx responsible for pulling the additional data to be displayed.

The Enhanced Task Card format is shown below, with the mapped data fields in italics:

  • Entitlement Type
  • Requestor has requested Entitlement Name for Target in OU/Group.
  • This request will expire in Entitlement Request Expiration

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 10.14.16 AM

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