Setting up a Windows File Share with Identity Bridge
  • 12 Jul 2022
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Setting up a Windows File Share with Identity Bridge

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Article summary

Setting up a Windows File Share with Identity Bridge

Part 1: Install the Identity Bridge Agent

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Systems > Identity Bridge > Agents.
  2. Select Add Agent.
  3. Give the agent a Name and Save.
  4. Click Download and save the file.
  5. Run the Identity Bridge Agent Installer IdentityBridgeAgent.exe.
  6. Enter the Tenant URL.
  7. Copy and paste your Registration Code from the agent setup screen.
  8. Click Next and then Setup.

Part 2: Create and Configure the Identity Bridge

  1. Go back to the Identity Bridge configuration settings in RapidIdentity.
  2. Select the Agent and select Details.
  3. For each file server you will need to access:
    1. Select Add Bridge.
    2. Enter a name for a Bridge Name.
    3. Enter the on-premise host/IP address of the full DNS name of the file server.
    4. Enter the on-premise port as 445.
    5. Click Save. The bridge will initially display as Deploying.
  4. If using DFS paths:
    1. Create a bridge for the DNS name of the AD domain and port 445.
      1. if the LanMan (short) name of the AD domain is different from the prefix of the full DNS name, also create a bridge using the LanMan (e.g. DNS name is, but LanMan name is MYEXAMPLE).
    2. Create bridges for any DFS namespace servers for which you don't already have a bridge for port 445.
  5. Once the Bridge status is Deployed, proceed to the next step.
  6. Create a bridge for each of the DFS namespace servers using the full DNS name of each server and port 445. 

Part 3: Steps to Add Windows File Share in Files Module

  1. Select the Files module and select Settings.
  2. Select File Shares.
  3. Click Add New File Share and select Windows File Share.
  4. Choose a name and icon.
  5. Change the file share from Inactive to Active.
  6. For the UNC path, use the full DNS name of the file server or DNS root (usually the AD domain, but could also be a stand-alone DFS namespace)
  7. Add the credentials for the file share.
  8. Configure the Access Controls and click Save.
  9. The share should now be listed under File Shares.

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