Studio Jobs and Job Orchestration
  • 02 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Studio Jobs and Job Orchestration

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Article summary

Studio Jobs and Job Orchestration

Rostering with RapidIdentity Studio is a three-step process involving the use of Jobs that automatically execute the various tasks of extracting rostering data from source systems, transforming that data into Studio and making that data ready to be loaded into the associated rostered target applications.

Studio Jobs

  1. Data from source systems is read into Source Tables in Studio, one for each source system. No data transformations are performed in this step; however, each application record associated with each source system can be configured with Record Filters to restrict the data consumed based on specific field values. Each Source Application installed in Studio has a corresponding Studio Job that performs this task.

  2. Data from the Source Tables in Studio is transformed and mapped into the Main Table in Studio. Data mappings are performed based on pre-defined instructions, mapping expressions, for each of the records in each of the source applications. These expressions define how data from the source system is transformed and mapped into Studio. There are several Studio Jobs that perform these tasks.

  3. Data from the main table in Studio is transformed and mapped into target tables in Studio, one for each target system. Studio Access Groups and or Record Filters can be configured for each target application to filter the data sent from Studio to the target application. There are several Studio Jobs for each of the target systems that perform these tasks.

Job Orchestration

Studio Jobs are scheduled to run in an orchestrated manner. Once the schedule has been set, all enabled jobs in Studio will be run in the following stages:

  1. Source system jobs run first and are automatically started based on the job schedule

  2. Studio jobs run after source system jobs have completed

  3. Target application jobs run after the studio jobs have completed

All enabled jobs in each stage run automatically and in parallel. Jobs that are not enabled must be run manually.

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