New Persona-based Announcements
  • 05 Jul 2022
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New Persona-based Announcements

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Article summary

Persona-Based Announcements

Persona-Based Announcements have been added to the SSO Portal in the 2022.6.8 release of RapidIdentity Cloud.

With this new feature, administrators can create and schedule persona specific announcements that are displayed in the SSO Portals associated with the selected persona or personas.


Announcements can be scheduled for immediate or future times with or without recurrence.

When there's a new announcement, users will see a snippet on their home page in the SSO Portal.


Simply click to see the complete announcement and any other announcements currently available.


Similar to other areas within RapidIdentity, Announcements can contain rich-text including both static and animated images as well as hyperlinks to create targeted and engaging messages for individual or groups of personas.

Administrators create and manage Announcements within the SSO Portal Configuration section in RapidIdentity.

To add an announcement, select Add Announcement from the main page.

Annoucements can be configured for specific periods of time, occuring only once or multiple times, all based on administrative settings. All Announcements are archived for future reference and tracking. Administrators can create new Announcements from scratch or start by cloning an existing announcement from the archive.

New Persona-based Announcements provide an easy way for districts to promote school activities, inform students of pending events and simply promote school spirit right within a system that students use every day.


Announcement titles must be unique, so choose your titles carefully.

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