OpenID Connect UserInfo Request
  • 08 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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OpenID Connect UserInfo Request

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Article summary

UserInfo Request

Issue a GET to /idp/profile/oidc/userinfo, including the Access Token in the Authorization HTTP header using the "Bearer" scheme.

GET /idp/profile/oauth2/me 

If UserInfo signing an encryption is disabled, the response will be a JSON document with Content-Type application/json.

If UserInfo signing is enabled, the response will be a signed JWT with Content-Type application/jwt.

If UserInfo encryption is enabled, the response will be an encrypted JWT with Content-Type application/jwt.

If UserInfo signing and encryption are enabled, the response will be a JWT first signed, then encrypted with Content-Type application/jwt.

The UserInfo content will be based on the claims which were configured for the client.

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