Password Vault Extension
  • 26 Jul 2024
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Password Vault Extension

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Article summary

Building upon the Form Fill Application SSO experience, Password Vaulting will expand the type and number of applications that can now have single click log in flow. Including a wider variety of attributes that can be passed through for an Application, the Password Vault can capture unique credentials provided by a user. All Users who log into RapidIdentity will be able to take advantage of this new feature, from Teachers and Students to Guardians!

Utilization of this feature will begin with Administrators creating Password Vault applications, deploying the new Password Vault Extension, and Users managing their credentials within their Password Vault.

When searching for the extension in the Web Stores, look for this icon and title:

The RapidIdentity Password Vault Browser Plugins work best with the latest versions of each of the browsers listed below. Older browsers may cause the plugins to fail. Please update your browser to the latest version before installing RapidIdentity plugins.

Please ensure that the Extension with ‘Password Vault’ in the name is installed. This is separate from the RapidIdentity Browser Plugins.

The RapidIdentity Password Vault Extension can be installed for each browser at the links below:

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