System Roles
  • 19 Sep 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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System Roles

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Article summary

RapidIdentity uses Roles within the Roles module to manage access and authorization across modules and their respective components. These roles are often referred to within the product as Appliance Roles.  Below is a table that outlines each role and the privileges granted.

Role NamePrivileges
API Developer

API Developer

Allows access to the embedded RapidIdentity API Documentation located at /api/rest/api-docs

The following endpoints are made available:

  • GET /api/rest/api-docs
  • GET /api/rest/api-docs/{filename.+\.css}
  • GET /api/rest/api-docs/{filename.+\.js}
  • GET /api/rest/swagger.json

If your RapidIdIdentity Cloud host name is then you can access the API documentation at

Authentication API Consumer

Authentication API Consumer

Provides access to the /api/rest/authn/v1 RapidIdentity Cloud API endpoints


The list of the /api/rest/authn/v1 APIs can be found in the embedded RapidIdentity API documentation located at /api/rest/api-docs under authn-service

Connect Administrator

Connect Administrator

Provides full access to the RapidIdentity Connect Module:

  • Can see all Connect Module Information
  • Can do all things related to files, jobs, logs, and status
  • Can do all things related to action sets
  • Can do all things related to RESTPoints, OAuth1, and OAuth2
Connect Auditor

Connect Auditor

Provides limited access to RapidIdentity Connect:

  • Can view and export files, jobs, and logs
  • Can view and export action sets
  • Can view details of existing RESTPoints, OAuth1 Consumers, and OAuth2 Credentials
Connect Operator

Connect Operator

Provides a read-only view of Connect with processing and export capabilities:

  • Can see all Connect module information
  • Can do all things related to files, jobs, logs, and status
  • Can view, export, and run Action Sets
  • Can view details of existing RESTPoints, OAuth1 Consumers, and OAuth2 Credentials
District Manager

District Manager

Provides the following access by module:

  • Configuration 
    • General
      • Email Templates
        • Sponsorship
        • People
        • Requests
        • Mobile
    • Policies
      • Authentication
      • Challenge
      • Claim
      • Mobile Devices
      • Password
    • Security
      • Session Management
      • Grant Support Access
    • Systems
      • Identity Bridge
  • Files
    • District Manager cannot create shares, only view them.
  • People
    • Add Person
    • Settings
      • Delegations
      • Sponsorship Attributes
      • Sponsorship Templates
  • Roles
    • My Roles
      • Add Role
      • Reports
    • Shared with Me
      • There will be a set of pre-configured reports shared here. District Managers are not able to create these.
  • Requests
    • Entitlements
      • My Entitlements
      • Catalog
    • Tasks
      • Approvals
      • Certifications
Insights Manager

Insights Manager

Provides full access to the Insights module

Only an Insight Manager can:

  • Access Insights module settings
Insights Viewer

Insights Viewer

Provides view-only access to all Insights dashboards, and the ability to do the following:

  • Drill down into dashboards
  • Export dashboards to PDF
  • Update filters on dashboards
Portal Administrator

Portal Administrator

This role alone cannot access the Configuration module.

Acts as the administrator for the following Portal modules:

  • Applications
  • People, Accounts, and Profiles
  • Dashboard
  • Files (Portal only, not Connect)
  • Roles
  • Reporting and Sponsorship
  • General Workflow
Portal Dashboard Viewer

Portal Dashboard Viewer

Provides view-only access to the legacy dashboards in the Dashboard module

Portal Help Desk

Portal Help Desk

Provides limited access to the People, Roles, and Requests module:

  • Access to Other Profiles in the People module
  • Access to the Other Sponsored Accounts in the People module
  • Access to create sponsored accounts for other sponsors
  • Access to Other Roles in the Roles module
  • Access to Activity in the Requests module
Portal Reporting Manager

Portal Reporting Manager

Has a medium-level role within the Reports module:

  • Can create and manage saved Reports module reports
  • Can import Community reports
  • Can run reports
Portal Reporting Viewer

Portal Reporting Viewer

A limited view of the Reports module:

  • Can only view and run saved Reports module reports
Portal Role Manager

Portal Role Manager

Provides access to the Roles module.

As a Portal Role Manager, you:

  • Gain access to My Roles in the Roles Module
  • Gain access to Team Roles in the Roles Module
  • Can become the owner or manager of a RapidIdentity Role
Portal Role Viewer

Portal Role Viewer

Provides access to the Roles module

As a Portal Role Viewer, you:

  • Gain access to Other Roles in the Roles module
Portal Sponsor

Portal Sponsor

Enables an individual to become a sponsor for sponsored accounts

As a Portal Sponsor, you:

  • Gain access to My Sponsored Accounts in the People module
  • Can create sponsored accounts as the sponsor or can designate another P
Studio Administrator

Studio Administrator

High-level access to the Studio module:

  • Can perform all tasks within the Studio module
Studio Auditor

Studio Auditor

Read-only access to the Studio module:

  • Can view all applications, their statuses, and Data Explorer
Studio Operator

Studio Operator

Mid-level access to the Studio module:

  • Can view all applications, their status, and Data Explorer. Can also run Studio jobs
Tenant Administrator

Tenant Administrator

Provides administrator access to the following RapidIdentity modules:

  • Dashboard
  • Applications
  • Connect
  • Files
  • People
    • Excluding My Sponsored Accounts, and the ability to become a sponsor
  • Roles
    • Excluding My Roles. and the ability to become a RapidIdentity Role owner or manager
  • Reports
    • Excluding My Reports, and access to the Community Reports
  • Requests
  • Configuration
    • If ProxyAs is enabled this role provides the ability to Proxy As

System Administrator

System Administrator

This configuration is a special use case. More information is available in Grant Support Access.

High-level access to the Configuration settings for a tenant:

  • System role that enables configuration of a RapidIdentity Cloud Tenant
  • Can enable and disable an Identity Automation employee (e.g., Support Engineer) to log in to the tenant as a System Administrator

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