Setting Record Thresholds
  • 02 Apr 2024
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Setting Record Thresholds

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Article summary

Setting Record Thresholds in Studio

Record thresholds identify the minimum number of active records expected for the specific record they’re applied to and can be defined for each Source, Studio and Target records.

When Record Thresholds are defined, Studio Job Orchestration will automatically pause a job if the count of active records that are about to be created by that job falls below the defined threshold. This prevents the propagation of incomplete or invalid records into Studio or out to Target Applications depending on where in the process the threshold has not been met.

Setting Record Thresholds

Use the following steps configure Record Thresholds for Source Systems:

  1. Select the Source System from the Applications page in Studio

  2. Click the Advanced tab to open the advanced settings for the application

  3. Click the elipses next to the associated Record Definition and select Details

  4. Enter the Active Record Count Threshold in the space provided and click the Save button when finished


A best practice for determining the appropriate Active Record Count Threshold is 90% of the average number of active records processed by several successful job runs

Repeat those steps for each Record Definition in that application and other applications as desired


Remember to adjust Record Thresholds for changes in expected record volume typically seen over summer break and the beginning of a new school year

Setting Email Notifications

Use the following steps to configure Email Notifications to alert you when Record Thresholds have not been met:

  1. Select Email Alerts under the Jobs drop-down in Studio

  2. Hover over the Studio Job Needs Approval notification template and click Edit

  3. Modify Email Type, Subject and Message as appropriate

  4. Click Add Email Address and enter the email address that should receive the notification

  5. Click Save when done

Managing Threshold Exceptions

Record Thresholds take affect when jobs are run as part of the job schedule which runs jobs in an orchestrated manner. When a job is being run as part of the job schedule and a threshold has not been met, Studio will automatically pause the job and all jobs in subsequent stages of that schedule and the Studio Job Needs Approval email will be sent to all associated subscribers. 

To learn more about Studio Jobs and Job Orchestration click here

Use the following steps to manage jobs that Needs Approval in Studio:

  1. Select Running Jobs under the Jobs drop-down in Studio

  2. Select each job PENDING_APPROVAL and click the desired action, View LogsCancel Job or Approve Job from the bottom action menu as desired

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